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When the two came to their separate ways, they both stood at the door where the empty classroom was, and smiled at the taller male.

"Thank you for walking me, and making sure that I'm okay. It was very kind of you." She said, having her hands cupped together.

Shinso let out a small huff, shyly looking away with his hand cupping his neck.

"Yeah, no–no problem."

Why was he having trouble speaking? He could feel his head heavily thumping against his chest, beating against his rib cage.

[Name] only giggled softly and was about to turn towards the door, her hand already reaching for the handle.

When she suddenly stopped, she could hear Shinso already walking away, his heels kinda shuffle behind every step against the tile floor.

The boy was still in his thoughts, his lip being almost ripped by his teeth. Why was this newbie something? Something that is making him this way.

Was this a crush? No. That would make him feel all warm inside!

"Shinso!" Her voice called out to him, making him freeze in his tracks.

His eyes widen when he turned his head to see that she was still by that door, haven't even opened it yet.

She had a big grin on her face.

"Thanks for being my friend. Hopefully we'll see each other soon!" She chirped before sliding the door open, and walked inside.

He could hear the frantic voices of an older male. Probably one of the teachers he assumed.

There was one thing that Shinso couldn't get out of his head.



A friend.

His friend.

"Y-yeah.." he uttered, feeling a ball becoming stuck in his throat.

The young male swiftly turned around, and hurried down the hall way. A small grin pierced his face.

What a day it is.

What a day it would turn out to be.

[Name] could barely remember what she even learn during Hizashi's lessons.

Even after he scolded her again for leaving for god know how long without him knowing.

That was before he gave her some candy as a treat for apologizing to him.

As of now, she was currently trying to find Aizawa. The blonde male wanted her to apologize to her caretaker for running off.

"Festival? It sounds more like a tournament more than anything." She murmured to herself, pondering on the upcoming event.

She had Hizashi tell her about this festival in more detail. Of course, he went full rampage on it.

From what she was told, it was a competition for students to compete with each other. It also gave them a chance to prove themselves to the scouting pro heroes that will be watching.

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