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Two weeks.

Two weeks was all they had to train their abilities to perform at the festival.

Everyone was training as hard as they could, testing their abilities to their breaking point.

Or that what [Name] like to believe.

She was alone as of now. Aizawa was there, but he had something to attend to, or how she would like to say, "Drink that yucky dark stuff and take a nap."

Currently, she was sitting atop of a desk, with her sword in her lap. Her fingers gently traced the kanji that have been engraved into the blade.

Though, it was early for school to begin. She opted to wear her school uniform, but she decided against it.

She always brings a separate pair of clothing. The one she was wearing was a raggedy, old sweater with a cartoonish cat as well as some baggy sweatpants.

Both items of clothing were given by Aizawa. It was quite amusing and awkward to see the scruffy man look so embarrassed.

"There are twenty students in this class. Minus myself." She spoke aloud, looking at the empty seats that stood in front.

"Twenty students. All have different abilities, manners, strengths and weaknesses."

[Name] closed her eyes, trying to remember what she had learn the night before.

"Class Representatives are Iida Tenya and Yaoyarozu Momo. Quirks are Engine and Creation. What interesting abilities."

She may have snuck into some highly evidential sources in the school, grabbing files of the names of each of her classmates from Aizawa's roster.

She had to know what she was up against. Who were going to weak against, and who were going to put up a challenge.

She made a chart on who had the work quirk and ones that were deemed a match.

With her hand gently grabbing the hilt of her sword, gently lifting it up to where the light glinted off the blade to see if she had missed a spot.

"Beautiful as always.." she whispers to her reflection self.

She then flipped it over on the other side, and began to rub the rag against the cool blade.

"I know you are there. Come in or else." she spoke, not even bothering to look up.

The door slides open slowly, indicating someone was there. Her ears picked up the slight squeals of shoes screeching against the floor.

The person was nervous, tripping on their own two feet in her presence.

"U-um.. do you know where A-Aizawa-sensei is?" The person stuttered.

[Name] let out a low hum, pursing her lips as she admired her shining blade.

"Now why would I tell you that? Huh, Cabbage boy?"

Her eyes snapped up to stare at said boy, who was already shaking in his shoes. She hated the way he couldn't stand up for himself. She despised the way he would always look away from her gaze.

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