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Fight or flight.

It was something [Name] always considered in the middle of a battle, whether it was worst outcome or the best.

She always chose the one where she succeeds in victorious. Stepping in the footsteps of her brother, following her father's fade steps!

It was all she ever wanted.

Yet, here she was, almost gagging for air in the dark abyss.

How much longer was she in here? A minute? Five? Maybe even ten.

She wasn't sure yet.

She did hope it was soon.

Meanwhile, in a large dome facility, the lights surrounding the building suddenly glitched off and the fountain began to pause with every gush when an ominous black thing began to spiral and grow large in front of the water fountain.

A familiar rugged man felt an odd sensation and glanced back, away from the group of teenagers. His eyes grew large when seeing a figure slowly grasp the dark abyss like it was a wall, eyes were widen to point of insanity.

"Thirteen! Protect the students!" He yelled out, pushing an arm back to the students.

The large group of teenagers were confused, wondering what the heck was going on as the dark abyss began to grow larger and more figures began to come out.

"What is that? Is this like that training at the entrance exam?" A red spiky haired boy questioned, uncertain about the situation.

"Don't move! Those are villains."

Just one single word had made the students stiffen their bodies.


Bad guys.

They were the opposite in this world.

It's like a coin flip, but with a three sided dice. Depending on what someone would be in their adult life.

One side could be the hero path. The second could show the normal civilian way, or the three one would be just down right evil.

All the person has to do is roll the dice and see where it lands on, but it isn't always the case in certain situations.

Aizawa was glad he didn't bring [Name] to class today like he meant too, but the girl had reassured him, much to his despair.

Even if she had seen the worse of the worse.

The villains were getting larger by the numbers, walking straight for the group that were up top on many flights of stairs.

The students were getting fearful, not knowing what to do. Aizawa stepped forward, turning to look down the villains.

"Thirteen, start the evacuation." His words made the other pro hero turn to look at him, his binding cloth already wafting in the air like a serpent.

"Kaminari. You try contacting the school with your quirk, too."

It was truly amazing how calm and solidify he was compare to the students in this type of situation. He was a pro hero after all.

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