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She calculated it perfectly!

She thought back to when she threw the explosive bombs at the metal giants. She was lucky enough to have sliced it open with just her nail.

Those things have insane durability!

She could've laughed at the face the boy beside her made when they both went off.

'Todoroki eh? What a weird name. He looks even weirder.'

[Name] kept her eyes forward, honestly not caring about the loud commotion coming from behind her.

If she continued her way, she should make it to the finish line without any more distractions.

That is where she was SOO wrong.

"So the first barrier was a piece of cake? How about the second one?! Fall and you are out!! You gotta crawl across if you wanna make it out!!"

Now standing at the edge of the cliff that led to a deep chasm. Stone pillars with rope tied to each end was like a whole booby trap. Or another little korok quest for a Zelda game she had seen.


"This is the fall!!"

"The fall? Are you kidding me?" She seethed under his breath, glaring down at the dark abyss.

"More like impending doom and death." She muttered some more.

Some of the competition was trailing behind her, curious about their next move as she was.

She watched as some use their brains or powers to best abilities. She even saw frog girl literally frog her way across the rope.

[Name] sighed softly, lulling her head back up towards the sky.

Her eye glanced over when she sees red and white big already scaling along his way with boom boom porcupine not far behind him.

"Oh my! What's this? A change in leaders?! We have Todoroki from Class 1-A in the lead! Man, I was kinda hoping for Rengoku—OW!!"

"Don't pick sides just yet."

A pit of fire came, fueling her bugling veins as she gritted her teeth. She needed to catch up to the boy and she knew a way to do it.

[Name] glanced behind her, stepping backwards and looked ahead. She stood there for a while until she broke out into a sprint.

She didn't care for those who were watching her, she kept her eyes on the game ahead. She can do this!!

When the arch of her feet touch the edge of the cliff, she used every strength she had in her leg muscles and pushed off.

"Oh my!!! Would you look at this?! Rengoku had made her mark in this line folks!! She is catching up to Todoroki!!"

She bounced off those who looked poor in this relay, much like she did in the tunnel before.

She had to catch up to him.

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