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It was known to [Name] that everyone was on the edge now. Some preferred to psyche themselves up while others tried to relax. Everyone did it differently, and so did [Name].

She had spent the rest of the break with Shinso until they went their separate ways to head up to their class seating. Now, that's where she sits now. Well, she was standing further away from the rest of her useless classmates that she dreads on ever laying eyes upon them.

"First match of the first round of the finals tournament." Present Mic started from the microphone.

She stared down at the arena, seeing the two figures walk towards each other then coming to a stop.

"From the hero course, it's Izuku Midoriya!"

Her eyes narrowed down at the sight of the green haired boy. She didn't even think he would make it this far, but it seems he proved her wrong.

"Versus—From general studies, It's Hitoshi Shinso!"

Her small glare slowly softened as she averted her gaze to the other competitor. She remembered their talk just a few minutes before.

'You can do it, Shinso. Knock that cabbage boy down.'

"The rules are simple. Force your opponent out of bounds, or immobilize them! You can also win by making your opponent say, "I give up!""

[Name] tilted her head to the side, pursing her lips as she believed the rules were fairly simple, but she knew it wasn't that simple. Not in this world. Nothing is ever simple.

'Shinso is strong, but so is Cabbage boy. Yet, Cabbage boy doesn't know how to control his power. He flails it like a cannon. It can work, or it falters on him. Shinso can use his quirk to brainwash Cabbage boy if he answers back. It's an easy win.' She thought, watching the scene happen before her.

That's when her eyes narrowed again while barely listening to Present Mic's voice in the back ground.

'Is.. Shinso speaking to him..?'

She could see the small movement of Shinso speaking while hearing "Start!" from Present Mic.

'Shinso would probably try to provoke Cabbage boy to try to make him say something. Brilliant.'

A smile slowly grew from her lips, watching the scene unfold and it only grew when seeing Midoriya stepping towards Shinso only to run at him until the green haired boy came to a slow stop.

He did it!

She could hear the tailed boy gasped and retort at what happened. She could see out of her peripheral vision that some other of her pathetic classmates stood from their seats.

Yet, she didn't care.

All she cared about was that Shinso basically won.

"Good job, Shinso." She whispered, clenching her fist in the air. "Keep it up, and knock that little shit out."

"Hitoshi Shinso from general studies has gotten the better of Izuku Midoriya from the hero course! Who would've imagined this?!"

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