*Special Chapter*

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In his heart, this wasn't how he wanted to bring such sad news.

Especially, since he is still wounded.

Of course, he had to do this. For him. It was his last words.

Messages for three of the remaining family.

He had to do it. Hoping to give the family comfort as well as finding how about this technique.

As much as it still pains him, he had to go forth and do this.

He stared up at the sky, making good pace as he followed the dark feathered bird.

The bird was his, and the boy was very grateful that the crow was guiding him to the estate.

'He's carrying out Rengoku's will by guiding me to his house.'

What a noble and loyal crow he is.

With a hand on his stomach, he used it to stop the pain that ached the not so healing wound as he ran.

He didn't know how long he had to go. The change in scenery was something though.

The sight of many large houses came and pass by as he ran after the flying crow.

The blistering pain of his wound caused the air out of his lungs to burn and disappear, making him come to a halt to brace himself.

His breath wincing at the amount of pain he's in.

He looked up to see a young boy, probably a year or two younger than him, standing not so far away. The same flame like hair, the matching eyes and the very thick eyebrows.

Just like him.

"Are you Senjuro?" He asked aloud.

It had gain the boy's attention as he drew near.

He stepped closer, bowing down before speaking, "Have you heard of Kyojuro Rengoku's passing? I have messages from Kyojuro for his father, sister and for you, Senjuro. I've come to relay them to you."

He could see the beads of sweat on Senjuro's face. The look of uncertainty had made this young boy look anxious and timid.

"From my brother? I already know what happened to my brother." He spoke, his voice was soft and young.

His whole face flashed into worry.

"Excuse me! Are you all right? Your face is deadly pale!"

He couldn't help but release the breath he was holding in. Was he that pale? How didn't he even notice?

It was the wound. He hadn't had time to rest up easily as he needed to give these messages out to properly grieve.

"Knock it off!"

Both of them turn their head to the front of the house where an older man stood.

The man was dressed in a grey blue kimono, his chest showing from how loose and poorly the kimono had fit his very big frame.

A small bottle of sake was in his hand, dangling by the rope that was twisted in his fist.

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