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'I remember when you told me not to cry no more.'

The adrenaline was running loose, pumping itself through the veins that connected all over the body. Increasing in speed with every step she took.

The faint sound of a nostalgic tune chimed in her ear, reminding her of faded memories she no longer seems to remember.

The sounds of a young girl weeping by herself, all curled up in a ball and buried her head in her knees. Her eyes, blood shot from the salty wet tears that would cascade down her cheek.

'I long to see or even hear you once more!'

Laughter erupted, interrupting the crying girl from shedding any more of her tears. Her teary eyes slowly looked up to see a shadow towering over her, blocking the shining sun from her eyes.

The laughter would end with a wheeze before going back to the full laugh she knows too well.

'If you can see me now, I shall make you proud!'

Determinedly, [Name] set off towards the battle. One hand tightly gripped on the scabbard of her blade while the other was held at her side.

She wasn't going to let someone else get hurt. Not like Aizawa, who was clinging onto life.

Not again.

She will stop before that ever happens.

As she goes, a small blooming flame was left behind after every step her foot was once at.

Silently dancing in the air, crisp with every turn and flicker before flurrying small parts of itself, and fluttered away from sight.

Burn the fire within...

Set the heart on fire...

And blaze it away...

Because that was what he would want her to do.


"Ne, Kyojuro."

A girl looked off to the horizon, her eyes staring at the setting sun as the wind blew gently by them. Letting her hair and haori fly along with it.


The older and bigger sibling stopped in his tracks, turning to look back at her. His owlish, golden and red ringed eyes silently gazed at her.

The light of sun splayed across her. He would openly admit that it complimented her fair skin tone as well as their matching eye color.

"What is it?" He asked softly, tilting his head ever so slightly.

The girl turned her head to look at him, having a gentle smile to greet him.

"Do you think we will ever see the light of day when demons have finally vanished from this earth? That we would live a happy life together," she took a brief pause to look back at the beautiful country side.

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