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"I assume the question you are gonna ask me is the reason why you asked me to meet you here while I had class?"

A man's voice spoke, glancing around the room they were in, the tone in his voice was a bit bored as well as annoyed.

The hospital conference room was quiet as it overlooked the waiting room down below. The waiting room looked as if it barely had any patients waiting, maybe about two at most.

"Yep!" A mouse like mutant chirped, happily sipping some tea while sitting at the conference table.

"If you have seen the news, a lot of people are speculating about her whereabouts and what was her business doing there at that time. As far as we know, she doesn't look the part like you and me." The mouse spoke up, looking at the dark clad male who stood by the window.

The dark haired male silently stared at the mouse man, listening in on him.

"These are what the hospital staff and police found or taken from her and the scene after she was brought here. As a hero yourself, I want you to look at these items on this table and give me your opinion about them."

The mouse like man showed the items that laid neatly on the table.

The male turned his attention to what the mouse man had motioned to.

The shine of a coral hued blade katana was laying unsheathed on top a very detailed folded up haori is what caught his attention immediately. The dark haired male narrowed his eyes at the engraving that was close to the guard.

'Destroy... demons?'

He tilted his head, focusing in on the said items as well as the fold up dark uniform where the words, Destroy.

He also noticed the stack of small letters. He didn't get a good look at them, but he knew they must've been on this girl the mouse man is talking about.

He found the items strange and out of this world. It was weird to see a sword like that nowadays, especially with the color of the blade.

"That's why I decided to hold this meeting here since she is under the care of the hospital staff as we speak. It's been about a week since the fire incident happened."

"Have you heard anything about her as of today?" The male asked looking at the mouse man.

The said man shook his head, "She's been unconscious due to her injuries and the smoke. That's what I know, Aizawa-san." He answered softly.

"How do we know that she isn't a threat for the next coming in students? You said the police reports aren't very valid about the situation at hand."

Though the man was right, it couldn't be help that the girl was mysterious, and was like an ancient relic that almost everyone gets curious about.

The tiny mouse man opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by an alarm that echoed the whole hospital. Everyone stopped to look up at the intercom.

"A patient, by the name of [Name], has gone missing! The hospital will be on lockdown as we speak until her whereabouts are known!"

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