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The quiet wails of an infant echoed the room, tiny chubby arms flailed in the air before being gently hushed and bounced by the soft, smooth tone of a familiar voice.

The infant was just so radiant. So delicate to touch like a porcelain doll. Fair beautiful skin, small rosy cheeks with an adorable button nose, but most of all, having the lush dark locks just like of the second time mother.

It was a shock for the family to even be blessed by the new addition.

A small head of blazing yellow peaked over, leaning forward on his knees as he was trying to get a better look at the infant's face.

His curious gaze was set on the small tuffs of black hair that escaped from the white little baby blanket that was wrapped around the tiny infant's body.


The boy immediately reverted back to his straightened pose, acting as if he didn't move.

"Yes mother!" He responded, a little too loudly.

The infant scrunched their nose and whined at the sudden noise, about to let the water works go until feeling a calloused yet gentle finger being caressed against the warm, chubby cheek.

A tiny hand reached up and wrapped around the finger in a firm, right grip which got a small chuckle from the older male.

The boy was in awe at how soft his father was, marveled by how he had tamed his newest sibling!

It brought the couple to have a few chuckles when seeing the sparkles in the eyes of their son.

"Kyojuro," his mother, Ruka, spoke again, "would you like to hold your sister?"

Gold and red eyes stared up at her, his wide owlish eyes didn't blink once more.

"Sister?" He tilted his head while looking up at his mother.

The woman smiled gently, nodding her head and gazed down at the sleeping infant in her arms then slowly shifted the baby to the smaller child.

"Yes. She will be looking up to you, not just as an older brother but as a guide. Protect her like anyone should and one day, she is going to need you to be there for her."

Her words were touching as the infant squirmed a bit, her tiny hand reached into the air, wanting to grab something.

Kyojuro stayed silent and stared down at the baby girl, seeing how her hand was much smaller than his own.

A newfound love warmed his heart as he held the infant close, supporting her heavy head with his arm. Despite her being a bit heavy, he didn't mind at all! Of course, he was a strong big brother!

He then looked up at his parents with that bedazzling grin of his, "Mother, she looks so much like you! I wonder if she will have your eyes."

His mother chuckled and hums "Time will tell."

And it did.

His little sister had the golden and red rings just like him and their father!

Kyojuro would spend his day with his new little sister, telling her about their family, how life was and how their father was the flame hashira.

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