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It's been about three days since she was questioned by the three men. After her small conversation with Eraserhead, he had nodded and quietly left the room.

She hasn't heard or seen any of the familiar men, but she was thankful for the kind nurses who would come in and out of her room during her stay.

She was a bit bummed out by not getting her own questions answered, but it is what it is.

Her fractured arm was healing nicely how the nurses would tell her, and that her ankle had just turned back to its old self.

[Name] was very glad the hear she would be released from the hospital sooner than later. She was going to be free of that bland, white room she dreaded.

Currently, she was wandering the hospital courtyard, eyeing the colorful flowerbeds that made the whole outdoors more refreshing, but that's her opinion. She crouched down in front of a flower bed, reaching out.

Her finger brushed against a petal of a beautiful blue hydrangea, feeling how soft and smooth it was against her finger pad.

"So small, so delicate.." she smiled, humming to herself. "Yet so healthy."

She continued to feel the petal before pulling her hand away, standing up onto her feet and walked through the small courtyard.

Passing the big fountain that was centered right in the middle of the outdoor area, she noticed the small coins laying at the bottom of the fountain. All different shades and saturation of each coin, some that looked new and others that looked old.

She found it weird, but it must have been something to take the other patients or visitors their mind off things. So she didn't think much about it.

She smiled gently at the rippling water before seeing her reflection.

Her smile flattened out into a thin line as her eyes made eye contact with each other, her free hand gently brushed away her long bangs away from her temple. All she could see was a poor girl in a big world of unknown.

"Hello there!" A squeaky, male voice came from behind her, catching her off guard.

She stiffened, tensing her shoulders before slowly turned around. Her eyes looked back and forth, confused at where was this person who called from behind.

"Down here, dearie!" The voice pipped as a paw rose in the air.

'What the holy hashira is that?'

Her eyes were literally about to burst out of her eye sockets at the sight of a small, clearly a gentleman, mouse like... man?

What was this world she was in?!

The mouse man smiled up at her, most definitely amused by her shocked face. He wore dress pants, white dress shirt with a dark waistcoat that matched said dress pants, but he had oddly strange footwear.

'He looks like a business man..' [Name] said to herself, slowly relaxing when seeing he wasn't a threat nor he had any weapons that could possibly harm her.

"It is very nice to have finally meet you, dear! I was hoping we'd have a nice chat between to two of us. Eraserhead made sure to inform me about your conditions. I share my condolences about your brother."

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