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Time just suddenly felt cold and slow. The outside world was shut into a faint line of nonexistent clouds.

There were many key factors in a one-on-one fight that she would have to keep an eye on, but this one, wasn't going to be a fair one.

However, she wished it was.

[Name] could practically see the hesitation and fear running through Yaoyorozu's body. Seeing how the girl was already beginning to sweat from just being intimidated by [Name]. Poor girl never really stood a chance. What a shame.

[Name] tilted her head to the side, her arms moving to cross over her chest as the grave smirk turned into a calm yet blank look.

"I know how this is going to end," she started, eyeing every movement Yaoyorozu made, "but what fun is it to just end it so quickly?"

'Her body language is of a newly born deer. Shaking and frail. Her knees look as if they're about to buckle.' She calculated, glancing from Yaoyorozu's face to said knees.

'It is amusing to see how she stands so tall, but is constantly in terror now she sees her classmates true colors.'

[Name] shrugged her shoulders, deciding to stretch out her body. Feeling her muscles being stretched while looking bored as ever.

She could even feel her opponent stare confused at her.

"There's simply no fun in that. Automatically striking with force so powerful that it sweeps the opponent clear off." She continued, rolling her neck.

Her eyes closed as she let out a small relaxed sigh. When opening them, she scanned Yaoyorozu's body, noticing the small details of her opponent as the girl stood there so stiffly.

[Name] smirked a bit, shaking her arms out before having them return at her sides as she averted her gaze towards the seating area where their class sat.

She knew that she was stalling, and how everyone was probably impatient. Oh well. She scoffed to herself.

"It is truly a real pity. Our pathetic classmates had the fight of their lives, and yet they only did it out of spite!"

She let out a small laugh.

Yaoyorozu flinched at how aggressive [Name] was, still keeping a neutral expression. Despite looking calm and collected, she was completely petrified with fear on the inside.

How could she ever make a move?

She had seen the previous matches, analyzing strategies and watching her fellow classmates put in their all in their specific fight, but standing up against a girl that she barely knew or never had seen her quirk really had her concerning her outcome severely.

Yaoyorozu stared at [Name] for a while, glancing at the seating area before closing her eyes to take a deep breath, wanting to ease her racing heart. It was really nerve racking to stand before her opponent while being watched by millions of people.

[Name] watched, pursing her lips as she blocked out the impatient crowd around them. She wanted this to be perfect.

"You sure don't talk for a girl who can create anything and everything." She grunted, smacking her lips annoyed.

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