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Eight figures sat in the dark, lantern lit room that was slowly dimming away. The meeting had just wrapped up for the night.

Important matters were at stake now. Opinions were mentioned and spoke about, but there were far worst things that were brought to their attention.

They each have been summoned so quickly, urgent words were told in order for each of the eight to hurry to the estate.

It was odd to have their crows tell them that the master wished for their presence very soon. Of course, their loyalty to the man always comes first.

Especially when in battle. Well, they have to kill their opponent before heading off, silly.

A dense and absent silence roamed over their shoulders, circling the empty spot where one would have been sitting amongst them.

It was far too soon for a meeting. Too quick to have announced those things when grieve and sadness was still hanging around.

The words of their master was still in their ears, his voice gentle like a mother to her newborn was calming to their erratic hearts.

Gentle, yet sad green eyes stared at the empty spot on the tatami flooring.

"Kanroji-san," a voice from behind her, wonder laced in their voice, "What is the matter? You look upset."

All eyes turned to the young women, seeing how the usual cheerful young woman, who would gush about everyone, was now looking so down that it was unusual behavior for her.

"The slayer that master was talking about." She spoke, her hands tightly clenching the hem of her uniform skirt.

"They went missing not long after..."

Everyone watched as she tried not to let out a sob, her shoulder shaking.

They knew who she was referring to.

A strong, young man who made everyone thought he was the sun. Passion ran through his veins with positivity was in his words. Even if he was a bit blunt and loud, he was sincere and kind.

The man, who would kneel beside one of them, or conversed with one another was now buried in the cemetery with all the others who have lost their life in the line of duty.

What a great friend he was.

A hand gently touched the girl on her shoulder, giving it a soothingly squeeze. They wanted her to know that it was okay.

The girl sniffled, swallowing the ball that strained her airway before looking at pitied eyes.

When she regained her composure, she spoke, "They disappeared not long after Rengoku's death. There is only one person the master must have been mentioning."

"Then who is it? They could be dead for fuck sake." A harsh, death spitting smacked almost everyone in the face.

The silver, spiky haired male scowled his bizarre looking eyes towards his fellow hashira.

"For all we know, the master spoke of that person as if they were dead! Why would he bring Rengoku into his mess?! He's dead!"

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