*Early Halloween Special*

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-Fantasy AU-

In far away, distance lands, where old legends circled the earth like storm and ran aimlessly over mountains, hills and rivers. Jumping over caverns and canyons while racing with the eagles as the wind. Legends of mythical beings of all breathed out one's mouth and into others across the nine realms.

Stories about knights, witches, dragons and princes. Fairy tales. All to make children dream of what they'd be. Of course, it's all just the regular brave knight rescuing a damsel in distress by fighting an evil fae or dragon. No matter what, it always ends in a happily ever after.

The land was vast, too large to travel across the continent by foot and was filled with all sorts of life. These old and new legends came then went with the tattling mouths of sore mortals spread whispers across the land until they reached the decorated ears belonging to a beloved heir to his people.

He crouched on the steep stone ledge that hanged over the small yet growing village. His eyes gazed from one hut to a tent then back to another hut.

His people were once nomadic long ago, traveling all over the nine realms and brought their tales of travel into songs that would be sang to children in his day and time. Now, his people reside in the far north west of the continent where forests and mountains were harsh for mere mortals to even get to, especially with the presence of dragons roaming the skies.

A loud, thunderous and earthquaking roar came from above as a large shadow came over him and the village from the big blue sky.

He could hear his people stop what they were doing and stared up at the sky just as he did. His eyes narrowed at the large beast curving around to descend from the air.

Scales of red with black age in the deepest cervices with old and new scars that ripped the scales that were once there in olden age. The large beasts were all known to those who lived in the lands to see these magnificent creatures fly, swim or roam on land.

Another roar came as the sounds of trees cracking, leaves falling with the trunks of many trees falling until the smacking of bare feet came from behind him.

"Bakugo! Did you see me?" A voice came with a presence behind him.

His eyes still remained on the sky as he let out a heavy exhale. His jaw clenched while he turned his head to set his eyes on behind his crouched form.

Seeing a boy, similar in age with him. He was large with muscle. His skin was an almost caramel brown, though some areas of his skin were shown in lighter skin tone. Scales ran from the back of his clawed hands, up his forearms to his shoulders. Scales of red just like the creature that was just in air.

The boy had a large, cheeky grin that showed off his prominent sharp teeth. His hand reached to scratch the back of his head. Though, there were two quite noticeable horns protruding out, going with the front curve of the skull and almost hidden by the lions mane he had.

Dragonborn. Mortals that were given blood of the draconic beings of old. Nowadays, they were split. Half human with the ability to turn into a dragon and having the lifespan on one while donning features of a dragon.

"You're naked." Was all Bakugo mentioned, turning his attention back onto his people and saw that they went back to their routine.

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