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[Hᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴇ G!]

Competition was something that added the drive into her system. It gave her a chance to show off her skills to those who watch, but gave those a chance to critique the flaws in the skills she provided.

Her brother did that. Often calling her out on it, letting her mind bounce from one end to another.

The stampede of students racing towards the start gate, leading out of the stadium to a woodland track was nerve racking. They shoved, jabbing others in the rib with the pointed bone of the elbow and ran as fast as their legs could push.

From what she could see, the gate itself was quite narrow in width. Too thin for a large herd of students to fit in all at once.

Squinting, she gazed at the brightness the tall gate shined and scoffed.

"What a complete nuisance." She sighed, closing her eyes to ease the pounding headache that throbbed her cranium.

Her hands perched on the top of her hips before gently taking a hold of her belt, shifting it to where it sat comfortably and made sure it was tight enough to where it won't fall or unbuckle when she moved.

Her left traced along the leather strap, feeling the craftsmanship until reaching her hip where she felt the cooling metal of the hilt. The roughness of the leather felt calloused against the pad of her fingers, cushioning from her well kept nails.

She inhaled deeply, letting the air fill her lungs fully as her hand slowly traced around her swords hand guard. The cold metal warmed a spark that zapped through her finger, up her arm and moved all around her body like lightning hitting a tree.

This was it.

She has to make a move.

Why couldn't she..?

She stood on the concrete slab, slowly opening her eyes to gaze at the slow moving crowd while muting out the cheers and applause that came from the audience above.

Those eyes glanced up, slightly narrowing when staring straight at the sun's nasty glare.

She clicked her tongue before her free hand reached behind to scratch the back of her neck.

"Aah.. might as well show these people what I can do."

Her thin line turn into a deep smirk.

In that moment, she widened her stance. Using this to stretch her muscles by flexing them, wiggling her toes through the tabi socks.

She was lucky enough that Aizawa had actually allowed her to wear her socks and zōri sandals as she was not accustomed to running shoes.

With her left hand still holding the hilt of her sword, she slowly bent her knees. She could feel ever pump of blood flooding her veins like a tsunami, making her heart convulse with each beat.

Big or small.

She is alive.

"Let's just get this over with."

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