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"Did you really have to buy that for her?"

The dread was heavily hinted in Aizawa's voice as he watched the young female working the basics of the coolest item!

"C'mon, Shota! Have a little fun! Don't be a party pooper!" His friend replied back, looking at the dark haired male.

"You bought her a switch. She isn't from this timeline! What if you purposely changed the past by doing that?" He scolded at the blonde male next to him.

Beads of sweat formed onto the male as the sudden realization pounded into him like a hammer and nails.

"I... didn't think that."

A surprise gasp caught their attention and turned it towards the female. They had expected something was wrong!

"Aizawa-san! Look! I made a little me!" [Name] piped up, holding up the screen for the dark haired male to see.

Tired, onyx eyes stared at the screen in bewilderment before slowly relaxing when seeing the small animal crossing MC character that similarly matched the young girl.

Unfortunately it wasn't as accurate as the girl hoped, but it would have to do.

"Isn't that so cool?" She laughed before scurrying back to the couch to finish some final touches, leaving the two men to themselves.

"She hasn't laughed like that since she came out of the hospital.."

The blonde male looked over at his friend with a teasing grin, "Soo? I outdid myself, didn't I?"

Aizawa scoffed and crossed his arms, not really wanting to deal with the man's cheekiness.

"She'll be starting school pretty soon, right? Might as well give her a little something to keep her busy til then."

His friend wrapped an arm around the glum, hobo looking male as they leaned in close to his ear.

"Until that happens, looks like you are stuck being a dad! Daddy-O!" Aizawa flinched at the loud shriek that had his ear ring.

"Be quiet, Mic." He grunted, shoving the blonde male away from him.

The sound of the usual theme song of Animal Crossing played in the background, letting the grumpy male know that the female was content into something new to even listen to them quarrel like a married couple.

He could see the awestruck look in her eyes as she moved the joysticks to make her character move around the wild island that has yet to be design by her tastes.

[Name] curled up on the couch in a fetal position, her back pressed in between the arm and the big cushion as her knees legs were almost pressed against her chest. The switch was leaned against her thighs.

Aizawa was grateful that Nemuri had provided feminine hygiene as well as taught the young female how to use them.

As well as buying her the appropriate clothing with her correct size.

Even if he was too embarrassed to ask about it.

He could handle twenty or so kids in a classroom, but taking care of one kid by himself was something else.

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