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Were they hearing her right?

A firm head jostle from [Name] convinced the both of them that there was more to the story than they'd ever expected.


Nezu hummed before closing his eyes, having his small paws inner locked with each other against his abdomen as the scrawny yet towering male looked at the ravenette girl in shock.

'Aizawa wasn't kidding. She looks like a regular teenager but she isn't.'

She remembered when being introduced to the other blonde skeleton male. He had opened the door for her and Nezu, and boy was she shocked at how malnourished he looked.

Luckily, she didn't say anything rude to him because that would be disrespectful to her elders!

So it wasn't anything different than she had seen. She seen definitely worse.

"They are foul, and evil creatures that are thirsty for human blood. They don't care if they cause damage to the nearby area nor they have any possible empathy towards humans. They come in all ranges of size, power and their abilities can be anything." She continued, looking down at her free palm.

The other two men listened in, carefully and would glance at one another.

"I have had various encounters with different demons. Some are afraid to look me in the eye while others are more daring enough actually think they'll end me."

The scrawny male blinked slowly, "So you're saying that they don't care about anything?"

[Name] looked at him, the fire that blazed in her rings of gold and red were still burning with the same intensity as before.

"Didn't I just say that?" She snapped, glaring a bit at the male.

The male flinched at how harsh her tone was. It was like the sharpest, roughest side of a knife had butchered his skin.

Her eyes were firm, non blinking and hard before they widened a bit and immediately closed themselves, her breath hitched in the process.

".. I'm sorry for my rudeness!" She bowed her head at the two males, hoping for forgiveness.

The scrawny male stared at her before giving a sheepish smile, "Ah, no! It's fine, I can understand what you are going through."

[Name] opened her eyes slowly, still having her head low. How can he know what she's going through? Unless he lost someone he was quite close too.

"Thank you."

'I can tell from how she's acting, she isn't holding up the fact she is in a different world but she is trying to remain strong..' the blonde male thought, seeing how the girl leaned back against the chair she was in.

From then on, it was just pure awkward silence until her eyes caught the attention of a yellow paper notebook that laid on the table then looked back up at the two males.

"May I..?"

"Hm? Oh! Of course, no need to ask kid." The scrawny male handed her the small notebook as well as a pen.

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