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"So, Ms. Zemo, are you still having nightmares?"

You sat there silently with a blank stare.

No response.

"Y/N, I asked you a question. Are you still having nightmares?" Raynor asked again.

You blinked and turned your head to face her. "No" you replied tonelessly.

"We've been doing this long enough and I can tell when you're lying. Why don't you tell me what happened, you seem off today," she said as she spun her pen around her fingers.

"Stop spinning the pen" you whispered.

She then smacked her lips together and clicked her pen. She began writing in her little notebook. 

You took a deep breath and scoffed, "Really? You're gonna do the notebook thing? It's so passive-aggressive". you said in annoyance. That notebook always pissed you off, mainly because you didn't know what Raynor wrote in it.

All you knew, is that it was about you.

"You don't talk then I write" she said as she began writing.

You sighed and continued. "Okay. Okay. I tried the "finding friends" assignment."

"It's not an assignment, Y/N."

"Sorry..." you grumbled. You always referred to simple tasks as "assignments". It really seemed to bother Raynor when you used that word.

"You're a civilian now. You don't have assignments. You have to stop thinking that he's going to use you again. He's gone, locked up." she sighed.

"Point is, I tried your stupid friend-making tactic." you spat.

"Mhm, and how did that go?" she said crossing her legs.

You glared at her and bit your bottom lip, thinking if you should lie to her or tell her the truth.

"Well?" she impatiently said.

"It went...fine."

"Just fine?" she asked

"That's what I said" you said with a small smile.

Raynor slammed her pen into her notebook in anger. She squinted her eyes at you. She looked tired and annoyed. Who wouldn't be? She has to deal with your stubborn ass every Wednesday.

Raynor was your therapist. She was appointed to help you. Her job was to help you adjust to normal life and to help you move past all your problems.

It was hard though.

It was hard trying to make friends when everyone knew who your father was, Baron Zemo.

Everyone was afraid you'd hurt them. That or they believed what the news told them to believe.

Remember The Battle of Ultron, in 2015?

Sokovia was destroyed, killing thousands of people, including your mother, brother, and grandfather. It had just been you and your father for a few months after that. He however did not grieve the way you did.

To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now