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"What?" you questioned, your breathing still fast and short.

"That's incredible...Did you know that was going to happen...?" she admiringly said

"What? What's—What are you talking about" you said, gulping down your words.

"Look at your hands, my love" Bucky gasped in amusement.

"My...what?" You were confused. "What's going on?"

"It's fascinating...Take a look at your hands" Shuri said with encouragement.

"My hands..." you whispered. It took a few moments but as your breathing finally slowed your eyes widened.

In a flash of a second, you rose your hands. You laughed in shock, tears in your eyes. "They aren't ash-black anymore!" you cried out excitedly.

"THEY AREN'T ASH-BLACK ANYMORE," you said, tears falling from your eyes in happiness. You stood up and ran to the nearest mirror.

You put your hands up to your face and up to the mirror. Your blackened hands were no more.

You could see how bruised they were. You could finally see the color on your hands. It didn't matter if it was makeup, blood, paint, or anything else, you could see it. You could finally see your small frail hands, the ones that you feared the most.

You finally had yourself back.

You ran back to Bucky. You bumped into him as you ran into the room. "Are you okay?" he chuckled, helping you gain your balance.

"I'm free" you cried out, "Bucky...I'm free"

You frantically placed your hands on his face, basically smothering him with them. He chuckled and held your hands to his face.

Without losing eye contact, he held your hands and kissed them.

You ran to Shuri and hugged her. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you" you repeated. "Thank you...Thank you so much, Shuri"

She hugged back with a smile on her face, "I'm so glad it didn't kill you" she cried, "I'm so glad you're okay"

"This is everything I've ever wanted...I can't thank you enough, princess" you sobbed, "Thank you, so fucking much...I'll never forget this...I promise you that"

"Anytime." she giggled.

"Y/N, do you want to...see it?" Sam interrupted.

"See what?" you said, wiping your face with a smile. You hadn't been this happy since...since you had lost your memory.

Oh, what a wonderful day it had become. Somehow the sky was bluer, the sun shined brighter, and you felt different.

Same-y, but different-y.

"Nothing," Sam hesitated, pointing to a little black crystal on the ground, "Just...that,"

"Don't touch it. I'll have my lab partners help me destroy it" Shuri said, walking closer to it.

"No," you said

"No?" Sam, Shuri, and Bucky asked in unison.

"Keep it safe. You never know when something could happen. Besides, it should be kept as a memento. It's something too precious to be destroyed"

"Don't you think it may be too dangerous? That  it could get out and enter someone else?" Sam said

"I don't think my powers would enjoy feeding off someone's plain bloodstream." you laughed, "It can only be absorbed by me or James...anyone with the super-soldier serum."

To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now