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It had been a week of extensive and repetitive asking and Bucky still wouldn't budge.

There was absolutely no way he was going to take you and Chase to Germany. However, being pregnant and rash, you took matters into your own hands.

You had just parked the car at Torres's workplace. You noticed agents running in and out, papers at hand and flying all over the place.

Exiting the car you were met by the pungent smell of gasoline and cigarettes. "Who died that it smells so bad?" you gagged.

"Hello, ma'am. Are you supposed to be here?" a woman asked, walking up to you.

"I'm here to see Joaquin Torres. He and I need to speak"


"It's on a more personal spectrum, but thank you for asking. I can manage to find him by my own means," you smiled before walking off.

"Ma'am!" she hesitated, "I'm going to need some form of ID or-"

"I sense you must be new" you sighed, "I have a favor, nothing too drastic, okay?"

"Yes, I understand, but-"

You glared at her for a hot minute, wondering who she thought she was. Maybe it was the hormones, but you felt done with everyone. She's managing to get on every single one of your nerves.

You rubbed your stomach and yawned in her face, wondering when she'd shut the fuck up. "Are you done?" you interrupted.

"Excuse me?" she scoffed

"I have more important things to do than to stand here and argue with an obvious intern, so, are you done?"

"Zemo?" you heard a voice gasp

"Finally, someone competent" you smiled as you turned around, "Mr. Torres, it's lovely to see you again"

"Is it? I wouldn't think so" he chuckled, "Ever since they took that tracking chip out of you, we haven't heard from you. I might've worried a bit"

"It was a good decision really. Shuri works wonders if you ever need help" you laughed, "It's been really good for a while, sorry for not letting you know and whatnot"

He smiled "It's fine, at least you aren't on that hospital bed anymore". He went in for a hug, and gasped "Woahhh, what happened?" it had been cut short as he bumped into your little pregnancy belly.

"Courtesy of Sergeant Barnes" you smiled, rubbing your stomach.

"So you and Barnes, huh?" he winked

"I didn't expect it either. I'm really glad it happened though, I have never been happier"

"I'm glad you two separated your differences" he smiled, "He or she?" he then asked,

"The baby shower is next week. Sam is planning it and I hope you got an invitation"

"Uh, Sir?" the woman stuttered

"Yes, Marjorie?"

"She didn't provide ID and-"

"Marj, I'm here and talking to her. Go help Henry with coffee or something. This is important"

"Yes, sir," she said before scurrying away.


"You have no idea how they make the job ten times harder" he groaned, "To get to the point though, what brings you here?"

"I need a favor. I need to get to Germany as fast as possible."

"Is this about the kid and your dad?"

To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now