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"AH!" A loud thud followed.

You sat up quickly and screamed in shock.

"Y/N?" a groggy voice said.

"Morning, Sunshine" you cackled, seeing Bucky on the ground.

"What are you—When did you get here?" he blushed.

"I crawled in last night. I didn't want to be alone, sorry" you mumbled.

"This would be cuter if we both didn't smell like vomit" Bucky laughed.

"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to...I don't really recall what happened last night at dinner"

"What do you mean?" Bucky asked curiously.

"The date was awful. It was awkward and I felt really pressured because he's the king. I felt sick every time I saw and heard that damn waiter's voice, I hated every second of it..." At least that's what you wanted to say.

What you actually said was much depressing and vague. You had actually looked at Bucky and chuckled, "I don't know"

He looked at you in confusion and smiled.

"Don't look at me like that, Sunshine. And would you please get up" you giggled

"Oh, right!" he said jumping back up.

You just stared at him in awe.

He was so sweet and almost felt normal to feel this way.

You couldn't stop thinking about that kiss he had given you, before the date with T'Challa.

His words, "You look beautiful, Y/N" rolled off his tongue so beautifully that you had thought about it in the back of your mind at least a few times during the date.

"Y/N, are you feeling better?" Bucky asked, holding your hand.

"I am now" you grinned, gazing into his bright blue eyes. They looked like an ocean, his pupils being  islands in the distance.

"What?" he blushed, laughing.

"Nothing" you fumbled, "I should get to my room, you know, shower and all that" Quickly, you crawled out of bed and scrambled over to your room.

You didn't mean to stare but you just can't help it. "Get it together, Y/N!" you groaned, walking into your room and closing the door with your back.

You put your hands into your hair and melted down to your knees. You pulled them close you and groaned loudly. God, the things that man did to you...

and the things you wanted him to do to you.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready, lab rat?" a voice sharply laughed.

You looked up and saw a man sitting on your bed, looking through the Soviette book.

"Don't touch that book," you hissed.

"I can do what I want, солдат (soldier)" the man said. He had short hair and dark eyes, full of anger and resentment.

He spoke with such ferocity and hostility that it made the hairs on your arms stand up.

"Солдат (Soldier?)" you confusedly repeated. "I'm not a soldier nor a spy...What are you-"

"Your friends killed my beloved Karli. All I'm doing is returning a favor" he laughed, pulling a gun out of his back pocket.

You froze. You don't know who this man is...

Then there it was. That awful feeling that you dreaded. The pounding in your head, the nauseousness, and the utter dizziness you felt.

To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now