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"I don't see why I had to change," you said out of nowhere. The plane was too silent, all you saw was Bucky and Sam staring at each other, ready to rip out each other's throats.

"What's the plan?" Bucky groaned.

Sam didn't answer.

"Great. So there is no plan" Bucky sighed. He then walked over to Sam and grabbed an ear piece. Torres walked by and gave one to you.

"Thirty seconds!" Torres then shouted.

"Enjoy your ride, Buck" Sam chuckled.

"Nope, you can't call me that," he replied

"Why not? That's what Steve called you."

"Steve knew me longer and Steve had a plan" Bucky spat back.

"But Steve is now dead! So if you two don't stop arguing I will literally rip you two in half" you spat.

The room went silent as Sam and Bucky turned to stare at you.

Torres then said, "Fifteen seconds to drop!"

"What's the plan, Sam?" you then sighed.

"Yeah Sam, what's the plan?" Bucky groaned.

Without saying anything Sam jumped out of the plane with his wings.

"Dick" you mumbled. "You guys got a chute or something?" you asked Torres.

"It's too low for a chute. We're only 200 feet up" he responded.

"I don't need it anyways," Bucky said as he ripped off his left sleeve. Your eyes widened in shock as he reveal his black metal arm.

HE was the Winter Soldier, only different. You were in utter shock. You hadn't fully grasped the concept that Bucky indeed was The Winter Soldier. You shrugged off the idea and turned to look at Bucky.

He then jumped out of the plane.

"Should I be worried?" Torres said, with a look of concern.

"Oh yeah," you chuckled. You then walked a few feet back and jumped out.

You saw Bucky on his way down, hitting trees and crashing into branches. As he landed on his back you quickly caught yourself with your levitation. You floated over to him and kneeled next to him.

"You okay, sunshine?" you mocked.

"I have all of that on camera, you know that right?" Sam then said over comms.

You covered your mouth to try to hide your stifled laughter.

"Get out of my face Sam, or I'll break it" he groaned.

"Okay. Okay. Head north, let's go you two"

You stood up and took off your gloves. With a few motions of your fingers, you helped Bucky stand up with your magic and sighed, "Let's go" you yelled as you began to run.

You and Bucky didn't run for long. You came across and entered a small abandoned warehouse.

"He's right there," you said as you floated over to Sam. Bucky glared at you as you floated right past him.

"You're doing the staring thing again" Sam chuckled.

"I can feel them," you said breaking the silence.

"I'll send in Red Wing," Sam said as he clicked a few buttons on his armband.

"What do you see?" Bucky asked.

"Nothing yet, but I think they're smuggling weapons," Sam responded.

"Well, I think you could be right" Bucky agreed, his tone annoyed, obviously at Sam, "But there's only one way to find out"

To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now