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You didn't wake the next morning. You continued your sleep, it seemed like an eternity.

T'Challa was out with Shuri, discussing their next step in how to help you. They too were worried, they had never seen anything like it before.

You were a few hundred yards away from where they lived. Shuri's face dropped instantly as they spotted you lying on the ground, the three little dogs still cuddling into you.

Even if you were asleep, there was a soft smile on your face. A smile that showed happiness far within you.

"What happened to her?" Bucky asked, running toward T'Challa.

He adjusted you in his arms and said, "Shuri and I found her outside." The three little dogs then rushed in, barking and growling at T'Challa and Shuri.

"I guess they took a liking to her" he whispered.

Bucky gestured for you, T'Challa slowly lifted you into Bucky's arms.

Bucky knew there wasn't anything wrong with you. He had also read the book...he knew you were going to forget.

He thought it was that damned book making you forget everything. That's why he tore the book and pretended not to remember.

Nothing was wrong with him. He only lied to you and Sam...just for that slim chance that maybe, just maybe, he'd forget everything instead of you.

He knew you had a few memories left, the ones that made you smile...and he wanted you to keep them for as long as you could. What he did, didn't make sense...but the fact that it was out of love means that he'd do anything for you.

"I'll get the doctor," Shuri said

"Right behind you," her brother followed

"Y/N, let's not do this again. Wake up" Bucky demanded.

You sleep so peacefully that he almost didn't want to wake you.

"Y/N, please wake up" he hesitated

No response. There was only a bigger smile that formed on your face.

He smiled with tears in his eyes. He knew you were okay, you were just reliving all you remembered.

Like the saying says, your life was flashing before your eyes...and when you wake up, you won't remember a thing.

Bucky carried you to his room and set you gently on his bed. He sat by the chair waiting for you to wake up.

Around noon, you woke up to clamoring and murmuring. You sat up in confusion and immediately looked around.

"Hey, Hey. It's okay" Sam said, his hand on yours.

"Hello" you chuckled nervously. You looked at your hand and noticed the black pigment. The pattern on your hands is stained with those of your veins.

"Interesting," you said, holding your hand up, "Where am I?" you politely asked.

"You're in Wakanda, ma'am" Shuri said.


"Do you...know uh, who we are?" Bucky asked, his voice shaky and frail.

"You're...uh, you're..." your voice trailed off and you thought for a second. You thought for a second and the only thing that came to your mind was "sunshine". You giggled at the thought.

"Sunshine" you smiled, "I'm calling you that now" you snickered.

"Sunshine?" Sam chuckled

"His eyes are blue, and what else sparkles in the blue sky? The sun" you laughed

To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now