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"Why are we going to the police station?" he whined.

"We need to file a report, stating that we found you" you sighed, holding Chase's hand as you crossed the street.

"Well, I don't want to go" Chase protested.

"We have to. Maybe there's someone that can help us" Bucky said, lifting the child into his arms.

For a 10-year-old, the kid sure is small. Small but smart. "No! I want to stay with you!" he said, burying his face in Bucky's hair.

You smiled at his little fit.

Walking down the street, you three seemed like the perfect little family.

Not to mention last night.

It was amazing.

Bucky had spent the night with you and Chase. He ran around the house, knocking things, over as he pretended to make his little toy helicopter fly.

He was worn out by 7:45 and fell asleep with Bucky on the couch.

It was like living a fairytale. This moment just fell out of the sky and into your lap like it was fate.

After an hour or two, you woke to the sounds of Chase eating. He was stuffing his face with the pink ice cream you and him never got to share.

You had caught him in the act and he began crying. The poor thing was probably not used to having so much food near him.

In the morning you had told Bucky about what happened and after a few minutes of debating, it was decided that the best thing to do was to go to the police station.

Though you were still skeptical about the situation, you caved in.


Walking into the police station, the smell of rancid food filled your nose. The lobby felt sweaty and it smelt like someone had smothered the room with dirty gym clothes.

"God! It smells like something died in here" you gagged, pinching your nose.

You gave Chase a napkin from your pocket and told him to hold it over his nose and mouth. You could see the ick in his eyes, it smelt terrible to him as well.

"Hi" the secretary sighed unenthusiastically.

"Hi," you said, returning the exact tone.

"You don't have to give me attitude" she groaned. Her loud gum chewing was the only thing worse than that bright pink lipstick on her two front teeth. Scratch that, her entire attitude was the worst thing about her.

"We found a child living in the back alleys."

"Okay?" she said, "Does the kid have a name?"

"Why are you so rude? I thought secretaries were supposed to get coffee and complain about boys to their co-workers" Chase blurted out

"Excuse me?" she scoffed. You could clearly tell this woman was entirely American. She had blonde hair, big green eyes, no lip shape whatsoever, and the most annoying mean girl accent ever.

"My name is Chase Pierce," Chase said, peaking over the counter, which was taller than him.

"Shut it, kid!" she said with a snap of her long pink nails, leaning over the counter and pointing at Chase.

"Don't speak to him like that" you snapped, "Speak to him like that and I'll make the job unbearable for you today"

"Ugh, yeah! Whatever" she scoffed

To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now