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"She flatlined again last night" The doctor grimaced.

"What do you mean again? Is she stable or not?!" Sam hissed

"It's complicated, Mr. Wilson. I haven't seen anything like this in my 20 years of medical experience"

"Find a way to fix it. Just make her wake up" Bucky hissed.

"Mr. Barnes, it's more complicated than that. She's a special case. We're trying everything we can but she won't budge."

"May I have a moment with her? Alone?" Zemo sniffled

"Sure," Sam said, letting go of him.

"If you try anything, I'll throw you out the window" Bucky mumbled.

"I can assure you, I won't try anything of the sort," Zemo said, walking into your room.

He heard the heart monitors beeping. The room smelled like antibacterial and alcohol. He hadn't been in a hospital since the day your mother was discharged after your brother was born.

As he laid eyes on you, he began crying. He rushed to your side, sitting down in the chair next to you.

"My little blossom..." he said, his voice cracking. "Who did this to you..."

He closed his eyes, a few tears escaping. He waited for a response, hoping you'd answer but when he opened his eyes, it was your silent and pale body sitting there.

There was a tube in your mouth, helping you breathe. Tubes in your arms give you saline to hydrate you. There were IV bags everywhere and countless monitors were beeping around you.

"Please wake up, Y/N. I'm so sorry" he cried, burying his head into the white hospital sheets.

After a moment, he sat back up, scanning over your features. You were an exact replica of your mother. With the same facial features, you two could've been twins for all anyone knew. The only difference was that you had freckles on your face.

He carefully removed the hair from your face, even if he had handcuffs on.

You lay there paralyzed, but when your father moved your hair, tears escaped your closed eyes. Though you were unconscious, your emotions still felt, and heard everything he said.

His eyes widened. "Y/N?! Can you hear me?" he asked

In response, a machine's vibration and its light began flashing. Your heart rate was beginning to skyrocket.

Two nurses rushed in, shoving your dad out of the way. They injected something into your arm, hoping the dosage would stabilize you.

Zemo stood there in shock.

He remembered all the fun times you had with him. A single "this is the end" ran through his mind. He didn't know what was happening.

The nurses said something to Sam before leaving but Zemo was frozen. All he could think was "All those years wasted".

He remembers before Sokovia.

He remembers taking you and your mom out to eat, Carl, your brother, hadn't been born yet. You were about 6 or 7 and you were eating spaghetti.

He remembered when he watched you lick tomato sauce off a plate. He had laughed and wiped all the tomato sauce off your face. He recalls you being a silly child.

To him, you were as silly as could be. You had a glowing spirit that was like a candle. A candle that couldn't be blown out.

Sadly, you're no longer that happy spirit anymore. You're lying in a hospital, possibly dying, and you're completely different.

To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now