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"That must be the most adorable and old-fashioned thing anyone has ever done for me..." you said as you saw Bucky enter the shop, a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

He gave a slight smile and took a seat.

"I'll be done in a few...sorry" you said as you quickly wiped down the countertop.

"Oh, no worries" he replied. His eyes following your gloved hand as you moved the rag back and forth.

After a few minutes you had finished cleaning. You quickly placed the beautiful rose bouquet in a vase and went behind the counter.

"So...have you dated much since half the fish in the see came back?" you asked as you placed glass cups on a shelf.

"Not really. I tried the whole online dating thing. Lots of weird pictures"

You chuckled, "Weird pictures?"

"Yeah, like tiger photos? Half the time, I don't even know what I'm looking at" he said taking a sip of his beer.

"Seems like you've seen the worst already" you laughed

"Yeah...It's a lot"

"So, how uh...old are you" you said sipping your beer. This date kind of going well, the awkwardness in the room made your skin crawl.

You could tell he was nervous about it too.

"A hundred and six" he replied blankly

You choked on the beer as he said that. You looked at him confused and smiled. You laughed and he laughed along with you.

"Very funny" you smiled. He smiled back and took another sip of his beer.

Your laugh died down and then you looked down. It was a pretty awkward date if anyone were to ask.

A few moments went by, in silence. You both then looked at each other, "What's up with the gloves?" both of you then said in unison. You both jumped back at the action.

"Poor circulation" you two then replied. You looked at him in confusion as you both said it in unison as well.

"Do you uh, want something to eat?" you smiled.

"No, it's okay, I uh don't want to bother" he smiled back. "You got any siblings?" he then asked.

You quickly walked around the countertop and sat next to him. "I had a brother." you said taking a huge sip of your beer, "What about you?" you then asked

"I was close with my sister." he said. "What about your parents?" he asked

"My mom passed away. My dad's in jail" you laughed, "He's a real dick"

"I see, my parents passed away. I was really close with them" he smiled

"Are you the "friend" that Mr. Nakajima is always with?" you asked.

"I suppose, unless he has other friends." he smiled. You then propped your elbow on the countertop and squinted at Bucky.

"What are you doing?" he laughed

To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now