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"Now there's a sight" Sam smiled

"Don't make it weird, Sam" Bucky smiled.

You followed as Bucky pulled your hand.

Sam had invited you to a week-long festival in his hometown.

"There're so many children" you whispered to Bucky, "I don't want to scare them..."

"Relax, doll. Everything's gonna be fine, these kids literally don't care" he smiled, waving at neighbors.

"Oh yeah, the people in this town are great. They don't care if you wear extra small t-shirts, or if you have six toes, or if your mom is your aunt"

You rolled your eyes as Sam and Bucky burst into laughter.

Fixing the cake in your hands, you walked over to a small table, where Cass and AJ were finger painting.

"Hey, guys!" Bucky smiled, ruffling the hair on their heads.

"Hi!" Cass smiled as he rose his hands.

"Hello" you quietly smiled.

"Y/N!" Cass shouted. He turned to look at Bucky and then squinted his eyes.

He got off the bench and waddled over to you, still squinting at Bucky. He signaled for you to lower down to him and he whispered, "Is he a good guy?"

"Oh, maybe you should use the shield and find out" you snickered.

"Is he a good boyfriend?" he then sneered

"It's not official yet, Cassy" you sighed.

"Hmmm," he was cut off by the sight of his uncle. "UNCLE SAM!" Cass yelled, running over to him. "Can I borrow the shield!?"

"What is that kid doing?" Bucky laughed.

"I don't know" you sighed, taking a leaf off the packaged cake you held. "He's an
unpredictable kid"

"He's going to use the shield on you" AJ then replied, "He and your girlfriend are like super best friends"

"AJ! You promised not to tell!" Cass yelled

"Don't get jealous, Bucky" AJ said running off.

You laughed as you watched Cass chase AJ. They ran around, kids joining thinking they were playing tag.

"So" Bucky sighed dramatically, "You have a best friend and you didn't tell me?"

You giggled, "We're friends too. Don't forget that, Mr. Barnes"

He grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you in. "The cake! It's gonna get ruined" you said stepping back. You had made it specifically for today, it took 5 hours exactly.

It was a medium-ish round cake, made out of cookie dough and small chocolate-covered strawberries.

"Why can't I have a slice" Bucky groaned

"It's for the kids! I can make you one later" you scolded, "Plus, kids go first"

"I am a kid!"

"A 106-year-old one" you mocked, walking toward the food table.

"Y/N, hi!" Sarah said in a surprised tone.


"Why are you—What are you doing here?" she asked with a fake smile.

"Sam invited James and I. And I must say, this is a cute little festival you have here"

"Well, the community is really tight like that, you know" she chuckled

To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now