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Two Weeks Later

"Y/N!" Bucky called out as he knocked on the door, "Y/N, are you home?!"

"She isn't home. She said...she was going to the super-grocery-store place" a little boy said, hopping down the stairs.

"Do you know when she'll be back?" Bucky smiled

"Mmmm, no." he shrugged.

"Where's your mom?" Bucky asked

"I don't know. Probably in jail" he sighed

"What? What do you mean?"

"Mmm" he shrugged, "She does a LOT of drugs, plus I'm talking to a stranger. My mom didn't really teach me about the "stranger danger thing". It's pretty obvious"

"And you live here? By yourself?" Bucky nervously laughed.

"No, I live in the back alley. I met Y/N a week ago"

"You an alley?!"

"That's what I just said, are you not listening to me?" the kids scoffed

"You're pretty smart for your age. How old are you, kid?" Bucky chuckled

"I just turned 10, why? You gonna kidnap me?"

"No" Bucky chuckled, "You shouldn't just be alone like this"

"Well, Dria likes to feed me. She said she'd get me some pink ice cream, so we could try it together!"

"Pink ice cream?" Bucky asked

"Mhm. She said she's always wanted to try it with someone. She said she'd try it with me!" he excitedly said, "I guess she wants to try it with me probably because her boyfriend left her"


"Yeah! She has a picture frame of a guy next to her bed, on her nightstand!"

"Do you know what he looks like?"

"Sir, I'm only 10. I don't have a good memory" the child snickered.

"Chase? Chase, are you here?!" a soft voice echoed through the first floor.

Bucky's eyes widened in desperation as he recognized the voice.

Your voice.

Bucky's POV

The only way I could describe that voice...was beautiful. Her accent, a mix of Sokovian and a hint of American.

She hauled four bags of groceries as she shoved her way through the apartment complex's door.

"Chase?! I got that pink ice cream I was talking about. Help me and we can..."

Her voice trailed off as she saw me.

She dropped the grocery bags and froze.

"Oh, so this is like a long-distance thing, huh?" Chase snickered.

"What are you doing here?" she stammered.

I could tell it was a surprise for her to see me. I didn't mean to leave for two weeks, I just...I just had to give her space.

"I came to see you," I said proudly. I think I was way in over my head, if anything, I sounded cocky

"I thought you had left," she said, kneeling to pick up her groceries.

"Let me help you," I said, reaching for the bags.

"No. I got it" she said

I felt a pain go through my chest.

To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now