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"What's your name, son?" an officer asked.

"I'm pretty sure it's in your file" Chase mocked

"Is it Chase?"


"Do you know why you're here?"

"Because Dria needs to file paperwork? Why are YOU here?"

"I need to ask you a few questions"


"Do you remember your-"

"Yes and I do not want to talk about her!" Chase spat.

"Why not?"

"I plead the fifth"

You watched from behind a glass window, you could see Chase and the officer but they couldn't see you.

"Smart kid," Bucky said, coming up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Maybe too smart" you worriedly said

"Tell me about her, it's okay if you take your time" the officer continued.

"I said no!"

"At least tell me why you won't talk about her"

"She murdered my baby sister? Why would I talk about the lady that was supposed to love me?" he sneered

"I just need to know everything...It's just a matter of safety" the officer said, a bit shaken up at Chase's answer.


Chase didn't respond, his face was blank as a single tear ran down his face.

"Let me in" you gasped, running to the security at the door, "Let me in"

"Ma'am, I can't do that"

"Let. Me. In." you threateningly said

He froze and looked at Bucky, "Alright" he said, unlocking the door as fast as he could.

You burst through the door and stood in front of Chase, behind the officer.

Chase's face was still blank, this time, however, a waterfall of tears poured out of his eyes.

"Oh, honey," you said, your voice cracking as you saw him cry.

"Mom!" he exclaimed, sniffling as he ran to you. He latched onto you in a hug, trying to tighten his hug but couldn't.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay! I just finished coloring my picture, look!" he squealed, shoving the piece of paper into your face.

It was a drawing of you and Bucky, each holding one of his hands.

It was the perfect family picture.

"It's very nice, I'm sure James will love it as much as I do" you smiled. He made your heart jump for joy. His happiness was the most important thing to you next to Bucky.

God, the lengths you'd go for this kid.

"How about you talk to me about it?" you quietly whispered

"I don't know...Why do I have to talk about her?"

"They need your version of things, sweetie," You said, brushing the hair from his face, "I can tell you things about me if you'd like. We have a few things that we can talk about"

"Can he leave us alone?" Chase whined

"You can still listen through, right?" you asked.

He nodded and headed out.

To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now