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"Okay..." John then said, "At least we know what we're up against. I think we stand a much better chance if we all work together" he continued.

"Yeah, I don't think that's happening" you snickered.

"Just 'cause you carry that shield doesn't mean you're Captain America" Bucky spat.

"Yeah. I think I kinda prefer the OTHER blonde haired guy trying to kill me" you laughed. You're head was dangling and you're pretty sure the blood was rushing to your brain.

"You guys need a ride. It's 20 miles to the airport. Hop in." he offered, "Guys c'mon. Gary stop the car. C'mon, hop in."

"I think we should get in the car" you added.

"No!" Sam and Bucky shouted in unison.

"Unless you guys want to continuously reposition me every 10 seconds and switch me with one another every 5 minutes, we should definitely get in the car. That is it unless, James volunteers to carry, yours truly, the whole 20 miles to the airport" you sneered. Your head hurt from being upside down. You actually wanted to walk or at least sit upright.

"Yeah, we should uh...get in the car" Bucky quickly said.

"Yeah" Sam nodded as he took you off of Bucky's shoulder.

"Owwww! Watch the leg, Sam!" you spat as he carefully carried you into the Jeep.

"Where'd you get this pretty lady?" John asked.

"This pretty lady is more than just a pretty face" you hissed. Bucky and Sam laughed as you shut down John real quick.

"Does the pretty lady have a name?" Lemar coughed.

"Y/N" you blankly replied.

"Y/N...??" John asked, puzzled. It's was obvious he wanted to know your last name.

"It's Y/N. Either you shut it or I'll shut it for you" you said pinching your fingers together, John's mouth closed as you did so.

He tried speaking but all you heard was muffled words. "That's what I thought" you spat, "Now, we have eight super soldiers on a bulk supply run, what's the plan, Sam?" you asked with a smile.

"They says their mission is to get things back to the way it was during The Blip. It seems like they just want to help."

"That's a funny way of showing it" Bucky sighed.

"The serum doesn't exactly have a great track record" John added.

"Mr. John fucking Walker, was I not clear with my statement?" you said with a frustrated sigh.

"Y/N, chill out" Sam snickered.

"Fine. I suppose he meant "no offense" or something like that" you sighed.

"We need to figure out where they're going" Sam coughed. The awkwardness in the vehicle was not it and you weren't about to be the one to smack some sense into the wannabe Captain America.

"How'd you even track them down? The Flag Smashers?" Bucky then asked.

"We didn't. We uh...tracked you through Red Wing" Lemar nervously whispered. Your eyes widened at his words.

"So not only do you have the audacity, but you also have the audacity." you scowled. "One thing is taking the shield and calling yourself "Captain America" but another thing is, is having the fucking audacity".

You rose your hand in the air to slap Lemar and John but Bucky pulled you down and onto his lap. He wrapped his metal arm around your waist so there was no way you'd even move.

To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now