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The next day you awoke to Bucky's soft kisses. You smiled half-asleep.

"Good morning, doll" he smiled.

"Good morning, my Sunshine" you giggled groggily.

Bucky planted another kiss on your cheek, it made you blush as you were still half-asleep.

"C'mon, doll. You gotta wake up"

"Mmmm" you whined.

"Come on," he said, poking at your waist.

"Owww stop, don't poke me there," you said, swatting his hand away.

He chuckled and pulled you up. You sat up and fully opened your eyes. You rubbed your head in confusion and looked around the room.

You saw the messy bed and broken mirrors. It looked like someone had tried robbing the place.

"You seem confused, is something wrong?" Bucky asked holding the cover up for you. You didn't really notice that you were naked, you were just a bit lost at the moment.

Your eye widened as you realized what happened.


"Y/N? Is something wrong?" he asked again

You shook your head, "No. I just—I just can't believe that know" you said looking down at yourself in embarrassment.

"You could've said no, Y/N," he said holding your hand, "I'm sorry if I did anything to make you feel uncomfortable"

"No, it's nothing like that. It's" you chuckled, blushing, "I'm just—It" you giggled.

Bucky chuckled and kissed your cheek. "Enjoy it. I'm not going anywhere, my love" he said as he got up and made his way to the bathroom.

You decided to go back to sleep as you waited for Bucky to get out of the shower. 10 minutes later he came out to see you passed out again.

He went through your drawers and pulled out some of your clothes, placing them at the foot of the bed before quietly walking downstairs.

An hour later you woke up to clattering noises downstairs. You quickly showered and changed into the clothes Bucky had left for you

Your Outfit:

You walked downstairs and immediately tried looking for Bucky

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You walked downstairs and immediately tried looking for Bucky. You felt weird not having him by your side, especially after last night.

"James?" you said, "James?"

"Good morning, Ms. Zemo!" Shuri exclaimed

"Ah!" you yelled.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" she chuckled

"Princess, good morning" you smiled, trying to gain your balance. You blushed as you remembered what Bucky did last night.

"Are you alright?" Shuri asked

To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now