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"Is she okay?" Bucky asked

"She's doing great. We just need to run a few more tests and she's all clear to leave by tomorrow afternoon" the doctor replied.

"What happened?"

"Uh, I'm not sure. Let me go ask my colleagues".

"He's hiding something" Chases mumbled


"So? What do we do?"

"For starters, we're going to investigate that suspicious answer of his,"

"Gasp" Chase gasped, "What if we sneak me into her room while she's sleeping so I can eavesdrop on the important information?"

"I think that's a good idea" Bucky snickered, "Let's go see what she's up to"


He grabbed Chase's hand and headed to your room, the entire recovery floor seemed like a maze.

It took them four mistaken knocks before Bucky asked for help, Chase, however, giggled and laughed about it, not trying to make fun of Bucky.

But that's the thing you admired about Bucky.

No matter how many times he messes up, he'll find a way to always make them right.

He learned his lesson the second time he left, which reasons why he left the third time.

He might've been scared, but anyone would be. Not everyone dares to do the things he's done or the things you've done. It's all a part of a path.

A white crystal path that leads you toward what you want most in life, and for some, they have already come to the end of it.

Bucky couldn't ask for anything better in the whole rotating and grand world.

He loves you with all his heart.

With all the might Gods can cast upon anyone, he loves you and only you. He adores Chase too, even if he's only just met the kid.

A nurse gave directions to him and they walked a few halls down the cold and anti-bacterial-smelling halls.

He stopped in front of your door, one hand holding Chase's and the other out to knock.

"Knock" Chase whispered, "...Why aren't you knocking?... Do you know how to knock?"

Bucky held his breath. The last time he had been at the hospital, or some sort of infirmary, was when you were in Wakanda, inside that glass container.

"Bucky...just knock," Chase said, poking at his stomach.

Bucky looked down at Chase. "Chase?"


"Hi" Bucky smiled

"Hi" Chase giggled, "Knock on the doorrrr" he then whined.

"Okay! Okay!" he laughed, "I will".

As he said he would, he knocked.

He waited for your soft and soothing voice to say come in, but there wasn't a sound to be heard.

"Maybe she's sleeping!"

"Hm. Let's go in" Bucky said, just before opening the door, just a crack. He wasn't sure what he was feeling.

Mixed emotions, if you will.

He wasn't sure if you just sleeping, or if something bad had happened.

"She's sleeping," Chase said, amusement in his voice.

To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now