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A/N: Heyyy y'all! 🤗💕 here's this 2nd book's story character introduction for y'all! So, y'all remember me saying that I was holding onto the new Prichael child a while ago? Well, here it is!

This intro is probably the same intro from my 1st Prichael comeback just with Michael Jordan and LeBron James added into it... and other known peeps that met both of them and were in their lives will be mentioned, it's just too many to be named...!

Aaand here is this 2nd Prichael comeback rules! It's short don't worry! It's just a couple of missing ships and a couple of tags as well!:

If y'all caught the IronPanther ship in 1 of my Prince LIVE on Jimmy Fallon! Chappies, then y'all IronPanther shippers are in luck! 🐱🐱🖤🖤❤❤💛💛😋😋💕😘🤗 in this 2nd book's story for Robert Downey Jr's. full married name in this lovely Prichael universe will be Robert Downey Jr. Boseman as he is obviously, had been married to Chadwick in this story since the half of this decade! (<-- which means for 5 yrs!) I love IronPanther cuz it's confirmed Neko (confirmed Black Catlove in Japanese) and enough said! 😋😋👏👏👏🖤❤💛🐱

WARNING! RE-EDITED!(-->): Here are the few new ships that'll be mentioned in this story for y'all so y'all won't get lost on who's married/in a relationship to who in this universe! lolz!🤗:

IronPanther - Robert Downey Jr./Chadwick Boseman (married) (past Michael B. Jordan/Chadwick Boseman was in a relationship)

Basketball Kings - LeBron James/Michael Jordan (in a relationship)

Poprock stars- Post Malone/ Ozzy Osbourne (Pozzy/married)

Spideychelle - Zendaya (Coleman) Nelson-Jackson/Tom Holland (in a relationship)

aaand last but not least~!

Capprico Nelson-Jackson/Lil Wayne (in a relationship)

WWE Superstars- Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson/John Cena (married)

RE-EDITED! PLS REREAD-->: And I think that'll cover just about all of my ships for this 2nd Prichael comeback! And just another thing to add in with the other tags!: There is some mpreg but NOT PRICHAEL MPREG! It's gonna be a WWEmpreg! kinda thing with a certain known WWE superstar w/ a TRANS!WWEcharacter but that's gonna be ALL THE WAY to the LAST few chapters of this story that I have planned as my LAST LAST surprise to end this 2nd beautiful comeback story for y'all~!😘💕✨

Now, onto some baby cuteness~!😍😍😘😘💕💜❤✨🤗

Here's the newest member of the Nelson-Jackson fam my loves~!😍😍😘😘😃🎉🎉:

Isn't he an angellll~?!😭😭🤧😇😇😍😍🤗 Hope y'all caught this baby's name and gender from the last epilogue of my first Prichael comeback story! If ya haven't then I'll say it again for my new comers who had JUST arrived on here for you! (JK! For...

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Isn't he an angellll~?!😭😭🤧😇😇😍😍🤗 Hope y'all caught this baby's name and gender from the last epilogue of my first Prichael comeback story! If ya haven't then I'll say it again for my new comers who had JUST arrived on here for you! (JK! For my new comers, y'all have tah READ THE 1st comeback's WHOLE STORY in order to find out what this baby's name is!😋✌🤗)

But, for my OTHER Prichael readers who have been caught up with the 1st comeback story! His name is Wynter Evelyn Prince Nelson-Jackson II. Honorably named after his late brother, Evelyn Prince Nelson-Jackson I 😘😘💜💜👼🏾

He was born on November 7, 2021 at late 11:30 PM in the Hollywood hospital that was mentioned in the chapter "The Phone Call" from part one of this lovely Prichael comeback story! He was given birth by a surrogate mother named Helena (obviously...!) And was privately signed up for full adoption by Michael just two hours from the after birth~!🤗

After early in the morning on the 5th of this month of September, He was then brought to his forever home with his new parent and the help of Auntie Janet. Ready for a surprise gift for his new Papa Prince when it was only just 3 more weeks until Prince comes back home from his world tour


FINALLY! That's the rest of this 2nd book's story summary! I'll get started on writing the first few updates and they should be ready for NEXT WEEKEND y'all! So, stay tuned in for this first few updates from this lovely 2nd Prichael comeback story my loves! 😘✌💜❤✨

With love,


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