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A/N: Sooo...~!🙂👏 I am currently wrkn on THE LAST LAST CHAPPIES OF THIS LOVELY 2ND PRICHAEL COMEBACK STORY for y'all rn and the reason why I'm holding on to it cuz my dad is reorganizing small areas of the house for his friend from Philadelphia to come over to talk about stuff SO! Ik, so SAD... but SO PROUD of how we've come so far...! 😭😭🤧🤧

Ik that the deadline for the ending of this is between the 10TH AND THE 15TH OF THIS MONTH! Justa reminder for returned readers who haven't caught up with this!☺ Buuut! I'll update chapter 16 which I'm planning it to be the FINAL CHAPTER of this finale tomorrow cuz, it miiight be kinda long due to the description of Capprico's recovery being split into story-part sets! I'll explain that in chapter 16 A/N so stay tuned in for that!

Aaaaaannd! After I've updated chapter 16! There will be a few small surprise epilogues to close out this comeback story finale that I had mentioned from my last chapter A/N had been already written around the month of September in my drafts to celebrate my 1ST PRICHAEL COMEBACK STORY THAT HAD RECENTLY HIT 3.67K READS~! (again, TYSM for that lovely Halloween treat!😃😃👏👏👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉 🤧😘😘💕)

So! That'll be ALL that I have to say to y'all on for the next update my loves! Hope y'all stay tuned in for this finale and more new book's for this year's exciting holiday season my loves~! See y'all later and hopefully not too late~!

Happy holidays my loves~!😘🎉🎉🎄🎊🎁🤗💜❤✨

With love,


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