💜❤PLEASE READ: Notta chappies sowwy justa A/N!❤💜

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A/N: heyyy again my loves! Sorry-not-sorry if I haven't updated this yesterday... my headache had came back and I've been in kinda a funky/ feisty mood ever since.... BUT!  That doesn't mean i abandoned this AT ALL i just been feeling shitty cuz all these city evacuations cuz of storms that's starting to roll in for some reason.... ANYWAYS! I've also been working on y'alls double updates for today RIGHT NOW if y'all were wondering!

I'm still on part 2 of Prince/Freddie Mercury reunion story and been having a little bit of trouble and kinda stuck in the middle of writing this chapter for it cuz i keep getting myself distracted on social media (like i said i SUCK😃 at writing...!😅✋) and checking up with my mom on my grandpa after losing my grandma from Covid last yr... (he's been doing pretty well too so no worries on that! ❤🤗)

So yeah!  And my dad's been making crazy phone calls with business work and friends and I've been back and forth with writing two books in a row while working an early holiday book surprise for y'all and that'll be released AFTER I finish with this lovely 2nd Prichael comeback story for y'all soon!  So keep an eye out for that surprise son my darlings! 😘🤗

ANYWAYS!  So that's been my WHOLE MONTH of what's been going on in my agendas...! I hope y'all still understand why my books are gonna still be labeled as SLOW UPDATES cuz each year is gonna get busier and busier for EVERYONE so BUT I'll shut up now so I can try and finish y'alls double updates for today so y'all can read more fluffiness about our beloved royalty of music! 😘😘💜💛❤

Love y'all and see y'all soon maybe tonight!😘🤗❤💜✨


With love,


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