Surprise Epilogue: prt 1 (🎉🎉🌸)

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A/N: Ooooh~! What's this? Y'alls LAST LAST FINAL ENDING surprise as story-part sets for y'all~?🙃😃🤗🎉🎉💕😘 yessss! We are FINALLY ALMOST DONE WITH THIS BEAUTIFUL 2nd COMEBACK my lovelies! 😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧👏👏👏👏👏

I just wanna point this out to y'all, MAJOR TIMESKIP into the beginning of last week! Do y'all remember that special surprise tag with the WWE!TRANScharacter and WWEmpreg! as well from the beginning of this story's intro? Well~! I've decided to have Dwayne Johnson who had been married to John Cena in this universe since the start of this generation's decade and came out as a trans man back in 2014 and the two WWE superstar king legends had always wanted a little family of their own! SO! I gave this book another happy ending for y'all to enjoy reading!

FINALLY! I'll shut up now so y'all can finish reading this to understand where this 2nd comeback is going to end for y'all! 😘💕🤗💜❤



Date: November 5, 2021
Location: Close to the home of the Johnson-Cena household
Time: late night, 10:30 PM


Dwayne was so happy to finally be home with his longtime husband, John Cena. After months of filming Jungle Cruise with Emily Blunt, he could now finally rest with his pregnant belly. Yes, you could say that Dwayne couldn't possibly be pregnant but he somehow is. Blessedly. He's been used to being a trans ever since he'd signed up for surgery years ago. But, him and his own husband John couldn't be even more happier to be blessed by God for a little family of their own. The two are expecting a girl soon.

Dwayne had finally, entered in his last two weeks of his third semester of his pregnancy. The retired WWE superstar still managed to pull through all those 10 months worth of holding a baby on deck. Dwayne's husband John was of some assistance but the pregnant man was entitled to be called "The bravest man who could do filming while pregnant" over favored women these days on social media now. But, although, he'd pulled through is the good news.

So, here he was, in comfortable, still fresh house clothes from when stepped inside his and John's mansion home. He sits downstairs in the living room couch in a comfortable position without bonking his elbows against his swelling belly that's the size of a water melon now. In his comfy light red soft house slippers on his feet. He's writing and scratching out girl names that'll fit for his and John's upcoming baby girl that'll arrive any moment now. He was down to two girl names which were Tiana and Belle. He was also adding down people's phone calls and names that were close to the soon-to-be family that he wants at his little after baby shower celebration when their baby girl is born. He had already wrote Prince and Michael's names down as they were really close because of Dwayne's late wife's oldest sons were great friends with the music legend's late son Evelyn once upon a time.

Dwayne has his giant blue paint excersice ball that held up his legs in a sitting position where he likes it as he sits comfortably on the family couch. And, mainly because he's been feeling small, unsettling cramps around the back of the soft muscles of both his legs and around in the inside close to his thighs all day. He knew that they couldn't be Braxton Kicks because it would be too early for him to be in labor right now. Dwayne wears a black tank top that shows all of his shoulder and arm tattoos proudly, along with dark grey pajama shorts that were soft cloth to the touch. His breast plates slightly curved up over his black tank top and tanned skin even tanner from his pregnancy process. And you could also say that Dwayne was glowing comfortably on the couch too~.

He was patiently waiting on the arrival of his husband from his return with another known wrestler Stephen Amell of his new movie party celebration about his wrestling career before joining in with the DC family. Dwayne couldn't and didn't want to go because he was obviously pregnant and expecting. So, he stayed home, giving loving rubs to his pregnant belly and sweet nothing's to his baby girl that evenly moves around in him as he listens to the played TV that was on while he writes down in a notepad.

After for what seemed like forever as another TV commercial had flipped on, John had entered in the house. John had came in from behind Dwayne and wrapped his right arm around over the head of his seat of the couch. "Hey Hon~. How you been~?" John asked in his loving tone of his voice as he got Dwayne's attention up from above and greeted him with a sweet kiss.

John pulls away for a short minute to walk over around in the front of the couch to sit next close to his husband and to properly kiss him. Dwayne hummed in between their kiss as John had pulled apart another short minute. "Missed you, Baby~."

"Yeah~? Missed you too~." Dwayne joined in on his husband's purring as they gave each other one more sweet kiss before John had pulled apart first to actually lean his head down on Dwayne's left open shoulder and his left hand on top of his husband's growing belly. "How's my princess doin'?" John asked playfully with a small smirk on his lips as he begins to rub his hand on Dwayne's pregnant belly over his belly button.

"Eh...! She gave me only back leg cramps today but, not as bad as yesterday~." Dwayne stretches a small adoring smile on his face as he looks down at his husband and watches his hand rub his belly with sweet caress.

John nodded as he returned a small smile to his pregnant husband. "That's good, Honey~. Can't wait to see her soon~," John exclaims happily as he gave Dwayne's large pregnant bump a kiss and sat up as he offers his hands towards his husband.

"You ready for bedtime, Babe? Your tired yet?" John asks as he watches Dwayne folds close the notepad he was writing in on the coffee table and then reaches over to grab his husband's hands for support after John had assisted helping by moving the excersice ball out of the way from under his legs. Dwayne sighs in relief as his body comes back once he stood, feeling how heavy their daughter in his huge belly is as he carries her.

"Yes! Please take me to our bedroom and to our bed, Baby~. You are my 'Lancelot'." Dwayne nicknames his husband as he now, on his feet as John had laughed at that, his pregnant husband joking a new nickname calling him his 'Knight and Shining Armor'.

The two, climbing up the stairs to their bedroom to prepare for bed as their princess had been swimming happily inside Papa all day since this morning, who is now rested inside her water cacoon. She was willing to agree with her Papa that she was sleepy too~.


A/N: aaaaannnd that was just the 1ST part of Dwayne's start of labor! Don't worry, the process will be comin quickly~! 😘 stay tuned in for the rest of the finale chapters my loves~! Almost finished to call it complete!🙂💕💜❤✨

With love,


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