Ch 16: Capprico's Recovery~ (prt 1)(FINALE CHAPTER🎉💜✨)

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A/N: PLS READ THIS A/N! Hiooooo my loves again~!😘🤗 Here we are at chapter 16 with the start of our angel bby Capprico's recovery! WARNING! MAJOR TIMESKIP! AND A BIT LONG! I'M TRYIN MAH BEST TO FIGURE OUT WHEN TO END THIS COMEBACK GUYS! I'M TRYIN HERE!😥😥🤧 Y'ALL...~! I mean it...! We are FINALLY CLOSE 2 THE END my lovelies and darlings~!🤧 Srry if these updates were so slow guys!😅💕 It was my oldest sister's bday on the beginning of this week so I had to video call her for her bday and I was also tryna wait out for a little while until this book got close to its ending deadline date on my calendar cuz I've already had written the few ending chapters and left out since the ending month of August in my drafts like I said yesterday! So! ☺👏 I'm only gonna fast forward Capprico's recovery cuz, yo sis don't have that many days to officially end this lovely 2nd comeback to get started on my agendas of getting my 2ND vaccine shot and to celebrate my 21st FuCkiNG BDAY! WHOO WHOO~!😍😍😃😃👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉 but ANYWAYS! 🤗 short chapter Summary: This is just Papa Prince bein "Mama Prince" for his oldest son while Cappri is in recovery from... the last chapter...! 😶👏 aaand this will have a 2nd part with it just NOT in this book just somewhere else I won't say either! 🙂❤ p.s. PLS READ MORE A/N AT THE END OF CHAPTER



Date: November 3, 2021
Location: Hollywood hospital
Time: mid morning


It has been a hard two in an a half weeks ago after putting Big Jay 'to rest'. His husband Michael had been in and out between isolation of having some time alone for himself with his husband and work. Michael was called in a phone call with his husband Prince, just letting him know that their son's doctors were ready for him to sign those out-of-recovery hospital papers to be able to have both him and Prince's oldest son Capprico to be ready to come back home after his recovery of his car accident wounds that happened last month. The two, mostly Prince, had wanted Capprico to be home before the holidays as everyone says that this year's holidays are going to be exciting than the other years before.

This year, to a much mature and older Prince, was a little bit harsh for his family and not JUST his family. It's also had been harsh year for every other people too. He just couldn't believe how far they've and even him, had gotten through with losing, Eveyln... also losing Big Jay and Capprico getting in a car accident. But, it's not only JUST horrible things that happened in this harsh year, some good things also happened this year too~.

The married guitarist had came home to a wonderful homecoming surprise of meeting the couples newest family member, their little Wynter~. Their daughter had just accomplished filming two movies in a row and Capprico had just recently got engaged to his soulmate that he now gets to love and to create his own home with for his future. Big Jay had been layed to rest peacefully and the Johnson-Cena are officially now new parents. Oh, and last thing, Evelyn is FINALLY going to get his justice for his life and the love for his parents too~.

So, yeah. There had been a small couple of some good things that Prince is feeling proud about this year.

Anyways, here he is, just stepping out of the spare bathroom in his son's patient recovery room after taking a nice short shower and changing into warmer clothes to keep out the slight hospital cold of the a.c. . He did point out to a nurse that had came in a few moments ago while switching out his son's oxygen, that he didn't know if it was just this room a little bit cold but to set their a.c. a little warmer, and the nurse was generous to do so. The old married guitarist wears a comfortable, thin yet cotton, nice warm dark sunset orange long sleeved sweater with dark blue, not-too-tight dress jeans. He wears some medium-sized thick black shoe flops over his socks to keep warm. His hair was combed through in his normal known small head of his curly brown afro hair. His two silver chain pendant necklaces of both his mother and late son around his neck and hidden under the collar of his sleeved shirt.

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