Ch 11: ❤💜🎃Mature era Prichael 2k21 HALLOWEEN: LIVE on Jimmy Fallon!🎃💜❤

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A/N: HEYYYYYY y'all~! What's up?🤗🤗 What are y'alls Halloween costumes? Or are y'all stayin home watching scary movies and eating big bags of candy like a legend?🤔😏

SO!🙂👏 since we've FINALLY stepped in the middle of October, for this update is dedicated for this yrs Halloween that's just around the corner and I've decided to write this ONLY SINGLE UPDATE! (Why?🤔 Cuz my main focus is still my new mpreg Prichael comeback story rn!) Ch summary: I wanted to write the mature couple LIVE on Jimmy Fallon w/ Michael's VERY FIRST TIME on Fallon's talk show, and the two discuss Fallon about Michael and Prince, if their family still celebrate Halloween and fun Fallon giving out treats to the Nelson-Jackson couple is a fun Halloween for the superfans in this universe! 😃🎉🎉🤗🤗(also the date for this yr update will be in slanted writing as it's in the past and this 2nd book is CHANGED to set in 2020!) and there will be another one similar to this chappies for Thanksgiving/Christmas but NOT IN THIS STORY! Just SOMEWHERE ELSE I won't say...!🙄 But anyways! Yes! This'll be a fun trick or treat yr for y'all if I don't feel as shitty as I was last month or last week to write more fun mature era Prichael for y'all! 🙂 hope y'all like this one!🤗❤💜



Date: October 6, 2020 (finished on: October 31, 2021)
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, the strip
Time: late evening, night time


Episode title: Prince Nelson-Jackson and Michael Jackson on Halloween + trick or treat candy gifts!


*The talk show room was packed with so many superfans in the theatre auditorium that heard their favorite tonight's host starring the two, most biggest and oldest married music legends for this year's special holiday tradition. The room filled with roaring and crazy fangirling screaming and calling both the married mens names out for more than five minutes straight.*

*Fallon was halfway into ending the seven-minute show as the tv cam zoomed in the three men, mostly Prince and Michael.*

*Their outfits, for Prince being; A dark blue velvet jumpsuit dress that the rim of the arm sleeves were wrapped around with small gold wrist chains on the silk cloth of the clothing and around on the rims of the ankle leg on the pants of the jumpsuit. He also wore matching dark blue velvet stiletto heels, the back of the inch heels were wood of metalic gold and on his head was one of his dark fedora dress hats, that was tilted a little to his right of his small afro in style. His make up, glowing, not-too-much concealer, and lips in light peach glittery lip gloss and done by the help of his daughter Zendaya. Two thin, matching Sterling silver small hoop earrings on each side of his earlobes and his known jewelry and his huge silver wedding ring that replaced his old gold one, on his left finger in view.*

*For Michael's outfit for tonight talk interview, he matched with his husband in his favorite tuxedo suit brand of dark blue silk velvet suit and shiny black dress shoes. Michael also wore his black lenses, Sterling silver frame Gucci sunglasses on his face of his eyes, only you could see his pupils and long black eyelashes over the lenses of the sunglasses if you were up close to him. On Michael's left wrist side wore his black smart phone watch and his right wrist wore his Forever Paisley-Neverland black, white, brown and red bead bracelet as well. His neck also wears a similar thin silver chain pendant necklace of his own late son's ashes that he carries near his heart on his chest. Michael's dark brown almost jet black hair neatly brushed and let loose as always on his shoulders. His thick silver wedding ring with an inside white diamond in the band on his right finger also in public view.*

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