Ch 10: A King ALWAYS Bows Down to His Queen prt 2 (last prt)(🍋)

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A/N: Here's more 🍋sorry-not-sorry for not double updating this one w/ it's twin yesterday... i got distracted...! But, hope y'all like this since y'all seemed to enjoy silently reading the last part of this interestingly new ship that I've made... which was a surprise for me to write...! ✋😶✋



Date: September 2, 2021
Location: same location from the middle of prt 1
Time: undecided


After Mike's proposal, the two basketball black stars headed home afer Mike dropping Yvette back at her home. The two men couldn't keep their hands off each other since the ride back home to their soon-to-be home once they've married. Once finally entering his mansion home with clamoring heated shaded bodies all up against each other. Mike topping up LeBron, Laying his secret new fiance's back on the large king sized bed that had been waiting for them all day. The two have been extremely busy this year, especially LeBron. With all of the months preparations of his new movie of the Space Jam reunion, weeks of setting up the movie's return of its premire, and Mike out around the city, signing off charity to his black community schools, they hadn't had any... "time" to themselves. Even if they were secretly freshly dating, they had enjoyed going around and attending award ceremonies and parties; (especially actually going out as a couple to Applehead's birthday as "secret double dates" with the Nelson-Jackson couple to Disneyland with the family), they both had a knack for staying under the radar, but without each other, it grew very tiresome and boring. Especially for Mike, he couldn't stand not being with LeBron as his illness was in the way of them being separated most of the time. And, LeBron trying his best to finish up basketball season, they've missed each other enough to not be able to touch one another.

Mike hoisted LeBron into his arms, wrapping the younger man's arms around his neck and shoulders. LeBron placed his hands on either side of Mike's face, pulling away to breathe. They looked at each other with love-lust eyes, and LeBron's back was met with a comforter of their bed that they get to call theirs now. Mike then leaned down and buried his face in LeBron's neck, covering his throat with kisses and wet spots of his lips, along with some tiny, reddish purple bruises. His dark lips marking that dark, chocolately muscle. LeBron's finger nails went into Mike's shirt as his legs wrapped around Mike's full waist. His skin was getting hotter than the sun in Hell and he began to squirm under Mike.

Mike removed his head and shook it to get a tendril out of his face. He hovered over his young fiance and looked down at him, his hands locked on oppositeside of the young basketball star's head. Even in his mid-older years, LeBron looked like a black god; he always kept himself up and never degraded his body like most basketball (and other known world stars too) stars would as they approach their mid 40s. LeBron smirked and coyly looked down at his stomach. Mike depended on one hand to hold him up as he used the other to slip off the young basketball star's Kobe Bryant inspired jersey. One of LeBron's hands grasped Mike's bigger forearm while he waited and chuckled. Biting the inside of his bottom lip.

Once it was pulled off his body, LeBron bright Mike back down for another heated kiss and pushed his hips forward. Mike pulled way with a chuckle. "Damn baby~. Looks like somebody's ready for Michael~."

The older basketball star slyly remarked. LeBron playfully rolled his eyes and exhaled. "Dont act like you don't wait it, Baby. If I had my way right now, I could and would have you screaming like a good boy for daddy." Before LeBron could react, Mike's single hand went to LeBron's spants as unzipped then with no problem, then slid them down. LeBron licked his lips in arousal, then reached up to start nipping at the older black man's top right ear lobe.

"Just fuck me." Was all the other older man got hard as Mike didn't waste another minute when he stood straight and immediately tore his Armani custom-made shirt and almost burned himself from the friction of him pushing and pulling his pants down. When LeBron saw his older fiance's darker skin in the good light they could get from the moon, he felt his cock chafe against his boxers. Mike reached his hands down and locked them in the top of LeBron's boxers, then pulled them off of his feet. Each of his hands got LeBron's ankles and put his legs over his shoulders, then he pulled his boxers down his thighs. Those still-young athlete thighs. Mike groaned at the sight of those muscles of his gorgeous fiance's thighs. He next aligned the head of his hardening, dark cock to his love's rectum, and finally pushed inside.

Mike grunted and breathed out burning breaths, "Ohh fuck...~! God dammnit, Baby...!" LeBron moaned up a storm and cried out in pleasurable pain. Mike then started pushing in and out in and out, finally kept it out next. He moved one finger against LeBron's damp, warm anus and gently applied light pressures there as he let LeBron's squishy anus deepen and the sound he made increased at this additional sensation, combined with Mike's quick movement as LeBron's head rolled from side to side. "Youre brilliant Baby~... I see you, Honey~. Shit, you're truly on fire. My prince. You're with me now, baby~.." LeBron's eyes opened in shock and curled forward as his first cry of joy began to fill Mike's mind with true peace.

He removed his finger from out of LeBron and stuck his dagger back in, going at a moderate pace. "Oh, Mikey~! Oh God! Oh shit! Oh please! Harder! Please, Baby! Haaah!" Mike followed the orders and went a couple hundred miles per hour like a train full of fire. He came, pushed back in, and came again. LeBron followed his older fiance suit and came as well, digging his head into the comforter and screaming out. He knew that they would probably be getting notice complaints for disturbing the peace of the neighborhood, but neither him or Mike cared about any of that. They're paradise was just beginning and it wasn't going to end for anything or anybody. And Mike's going to promise LeBron that before he leaves the face of this earth. Sweat was on both of they're streaming bodies, and more was to come. LeBron brought his head up, mouth open fully, and panted. Mike was panting, heaving out the pain that infected his lungs yet they'd lust of heated lovemaking was his cure to hear LeBron's cries of pleasure in his arms as he continued to ram inside his fiance. "Mike, shiit~...! Baby...! Fuuuck...~!" The younger man moaned, "Oh, God I love you! I fucking love you...!"

Mike panted through his speech, "I love you too, baby. Always and forever...~" Were the only words that the older basketball legend breathed heavily out as he kept his strong hold around his fiance, not wanting to let go of his only last future that he knows once he leaves this world, the other piece of him will finish his legacy out of his love.


A/N: ssssooooo uhm... i almost cried while writing this bittersweet chappies for y'all this late night...!😭😭🤧🤧🤗💕 BUT! We're almost in the 2nd part of the calm before the storms y'all! Which will be updated EITHER THIS WEEKEND OR NEXT WEEKEND as the month of October is around the corner! 🙂🎃🖤🍁🎉🎉 PLS KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR MORE UPDATES FROM THIS LOVELY PRICHAEL COMEBACK MY LOVES! goodnight and see y'all hopefully this weekend!😘🤗💜❤✨

With love,


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