Surprise Epilogue: prt 2 (🎉🎉🌸)

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A/N: aaaayyye my loves! We here on the 2nd part Of Dwayne's labor! This is just the beginning process of preps for his labor which is why this is taking a while and in separate story-part sets! 😘💕✌



Date: same date from part 1
Location: at the Hollywood hospital (mentioned from book 1 Ch "The Phone Call")
Time: early 2:00 AM in the morning


Dwayne had, carefully yet jolted awake when he'd felt a small, spreading pain under his growing belly. Trying not to wake his husband just yet to make sure that those weren't Braxton Kicks, he slides his left arm from under John's belly as they had held and wrapped arms around each other when they got comfy in their bed. Dwayne lays gently his left hand on top of his growing belly where he thought that his daughter that was supposed to be asleep, had gave his tummy a small kick that woke him. He waited it out to double check if it was his daughter trying to wake him up to get his attention for a short quiet moment.

Now, he's been feeling kind of the pain around his hips and under his belly since 12 in the afternoon from yesterday. But those were just cramps as Dwayne could recall. The pregnant man just didn't know if he really had been in labor since then. Well, if he's honest, he started feeling this new pain around after midnight, 12 AM.

Dwayne layed flat on his back, his head back on his pillow on the right side of the bed. In the darkness his face in slight concern and knowing patience to make sure to feel a kick from his daughter or not. He continued smoothing and rubbing gently over where he'd last felt that same weird pain from the bottom right side of his belly. Trying to see if the movement of his hand could make that sensation go off again at the same spot, but surprisingly it did but not on the same area.

Dwayne had given a tiny jerk and a soft, painful gasp once he quickly pulled his left hand away from the left side of his large round belly. That same pain from before that woke him up earlier, had moved on to the right side now. And to confirm it, Dwayne had to believe to his daughter, that wasn't kicking, she was signaling her Papa that it was labor time. Dwayne closed his eyes and blown out a deep breath quietly as he sits up from his spot of the bed.

He then begins squeezing the back of his husband's right shoulder as John was still asleep while the first start of Dwayne's labor contractions started. As he wakes up his husband, Dwayne starts whisper-shouting out John's name to hear him. "Hey, John? Honey, wake up...!"

John mumbled out a questioning hum from under his pillows and breathed in the air to wake. He begins to rub at his face and lifts up his head to see where Dwayne was laying now.

"Yeah, baby...~? Whut S'it...?" John asked in his tired voice as he then leaned over to turn on the left lamp on the lamp dresser stand. John took another look at his husband as he became confused on why Dwayne is now sitting up in the bed. "Babe, what's wrong?" John asked, now a little bit worried in his voice as he sits up to meet Dwayne and lays his left hand on top of his husband's swollen belly.

Dwayne pauses his breathing as he then answers. "I think I'm in labor, John." Were the only words that John was given by his quiet yet calm and breathing husband.

John then sits up even more from his bedside as he is now alerted. "Are you sure, Babe?" John asked slowly in his concerning voice as he gets up off the bed and walks over to Dwayne's bedside. Before he could lay his own right hand on top of his husband's left one that was already on the left side of Dwayne's belly, John had jumped a step back once he watched his husband make another painful gasp of a small, deep, high pitched whispered "Haah...!" through his pursed lips once feeling another identical pain from on top of his belly button of his pregnant belly over his black tank top. Dwayne then blown out a long short breath of air through his lips. Dwayne gives a slight nod and a little chuckle as he holds himself up with his arms and hands on the middle side of the bed. Carefully, not bumping his elbows on his contracting swollen belly. He looks back up at John as he almost struggled his answer to his husband as he layed his left hand back down on where he had felt the third contraction had kicked in. "Yeah, honey. I'm sure...!" Dwayne answered after quickly lifting up both his eyebrows and back down after giving John a few nods.

John then began to reassure his husband to continue staying calm in the bed as he walks back over his bedside lamp dresser stand to grab his phone. "Okay, alright baby. Just keep calm, Honey. Lemme call in Melina." John told him as he quickly unlocks his screen phone, went over to his contacts and pressed on their midwife's phone number.

While keeping himself calm during his husband's phone call with their midwife, Dwayne had followed up with their minute conversation of reassurances. The midwife explaining to John to keep Dwayne himself, calm throughout the contractions process.

The two also discussing where they should meet up at the Hollywood hospital for Dwayne's birth of their baby girl. Dwayne then rolls his head back up from the pillow as he had gripped hard on the lamp dresser stand. Feeling another small, painful contraction coming in from his lower left hip. He lifts his eyes back up to face his husband as he watches John take in a deep breath as he's now fully awake.

"Alright Honey. Melina wants us at the hospital. Lemme go get your duffle bag and we can get going." John announced as he gave his husband a small, kind rub of comfort across Dwayne's pregnant belly and leaned in to planted a kiss on his forehead.

Dwayne nods at his husband, only answering him with agreed hums as he breathes in and out, slowly. As he let's his husband walk quickly around at a pace in their bedroom, turning on their closet lights, pulling out Dwayne's grey and black nursery duffle bag that's been packed from last week.

John was already in comfortable outside clothes and in his shoes after freshening himself up with quick teeth brushing and combing out his bed hair nicely. He turns off the bathroom light after picking up the duffle bag from the bathroom counter and walks out of the bathroom back into their bedroom.

"Hey, baby. Do you wanna get you into comfortable clothes to the hospital or...?" John asked, curiously to Dwayne as he sets down the bag at the foot end of their bed.

Dwayne shakes his head at his husband as he begins to slide out of the bed from under the blankets. He was only halfway out of the bed but another, small contraction had hit under his belly. "No I'm fine, Babe. Just, help me up." Dwayne told John as John walked back up to his husband and grabbed both Dwayne's hands tight in his.

While carefully helping his husband to stand up off the bed, Dwayne had also slipped on his house slippers with ease. John handing over his long house robe for the hospital to keep him warm.

"You ready, Baby?" John asked curiously as he lifted up the duffle bag from the floor and saw that Dwayne nodded his answer. John then, lays a hand at the back of his husband's right shoulder side to lead him to the stairs.

John following his husband close behind.


A/N: this was only just the 2nd part of this ending of the start of Dwayne's labor y'all! We almost done! 😃😘🤗💜❤✨

With love,


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