Ch 7: Daddy's Bday prt 1 (🍋)(🌸)

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A/N: I.... am... SO NOT READY to let y'all read these few chapters after this story-part set guys...!😢😢😢 I just, can't y'all...! 🤧🤧🤧✋ anyways! I liiied😏 about updating next weekend for y'all and decided to update this weekend!🤗❤ 1ST WARNING! MAJOR TIMESKIP GUYS! + THE START OF THE MAJOR DRAMA...! (<--) That was the REAL ME saying that to y'all.. NOW for this story-part Summary: is FINALLY a RARE family fluffy times w/ the Nelson-Jackson outside of the house, celebrating Michael's bday at a special someplace to keep the negative thoughts out of the way and the fam distracted yet with a tiny bit of angst at the end!😘🤗

p.s. 2ND WARNING! This story-part set will have ONLY 2 story-parts w/ mixed emotions between fluff/angst/SMUTTY/cliffhangy FEELS! READ WITH CAUTION! + Wynter is OFFICIALLY 10 months old...! OMG I'm such a proud momma rn y'all! My lil Snowflake!😢😢😢🤧🤧🤧😘😘😘💕💕💕💜❤

That's lil Snowflake with his birthday clothes on for his Daddy dressed by his Papa Prince~!😍😘😘❤❤❤ dressed in red in honor of this chapter! I do also know that its been a MONTH since Michael's bday

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That's lil Snowflake with his birthday clothes on for his Daddy dressed by his Papa Prince~!😍😘😘❤❤❤ dressed in red in honor of this chapter! I do also know that its been a MONTH since Michael's bday... just goin with this books timeline like I said it's set in 2022!

p.p.s this chappies is dedicated to Michael's actual bday that we've recently celebrated back in August so happy belated bday 2 our King of Pop~!😘😘💜❤✨🎉🎉



Date: August 27, 2021
Location: back at home of of the Nelson-Jackson family household
Time: mid afternoon


The ending of this month had flew by fast. Both Prince and Michael are trying their best keeping up with the real world and with a ten month old son in both their hands on board. But, thank God for first borns.

Their oldest son and daughter had been so much help for them that the parents had to repay them back from their gift for them to that trip at Hawaii. The two siblings said that they'll handle taking care of their baby brother, it's not like it was hard for them to finish raising Evelyn when the two were trying to finish college when both of their fathers were still making music. But, now that Prince and Michael had retired but still do tours because of their crazy superfans don't want them to leave their stage, the two married really wanted to be parents again.

Their fans had accepted that. As well as the couples late son's fans confirmed their wish too.

But, besides all of this crazy, long month full of mostly baby-sitting Wynter, it's just two days away from Michael's 62nd birthday. Prince was actually excited ever since his 64th birthday had rolled around back in June.

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