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A/N: HHHAAAAAIIII~ y'all~!🤗🤗🤗🤗💕💕💕 SO! 🙂👏 for this book's update will be put back ON HOLD FOR NOW due to me publishing/wrkn on my new, dearly missed Prichael mpreg comeback story that I used to go crazy w/ it's notifications around early yr of 2k20 which was called "ML4U" ("My Love 4 You") vol. series w/ pregnant!Michael Jackson + Prichael~!

My new Prichael mpreg story is dedicated to my old mpreg Prichael series as a new themed book title named: "TR2HPR" ("The 🌈 2 His 💜🌧☔ *Purple Rain*") mpreg Prichael comeback story as it only has now like what...? ALMOST 50 reads?!😍 Wow! Tysm loves!🤗

So, I'll be more focused on wrkn on that for now until I can map out this next calm before the storm for this book's updates much easier for y'all soon~! Hopefully not too soon before the actual holidays start! So, stay tuned in for more my TRASHY CONTENT my lovelies and darlings~! Cuz, I'm EXCITE yet ready for this accounts future~! See y'all soon!😘🤗💜❤✨

With love,


(DISCONTINUED)Future Us Prichael Vol. 2|Mature PrichaelWhere stories live. Discover now