Ch 14: Long Live the King...(🖤)

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A/N: heyyy...! I am updating this 1 early! i... am... just gon put this here for y'all to cry over and read it...! A short timeskip for the time of this update! So I decided to move my missing scene after a couple few chapters updates after the calm before the storm pulls away with a hopeful first fluffy update w/ a Papa Prince/Older son Capprico moment in this new chappies so hope y'all will like this one before I ruin it!  Pls get your tissue boxes and snuggle comforts ready y'all this 1 is short and cuz the calm before the storms are now, here...!🙃👏🔫



Date: September 6, 2021
Location: the official James-Jordan mansion household
Time: two hours past midnight, night time


He woke up right before 2:40 AM in the morning. LeBron sensed that something was wrong with his fiance when he'd awoke with the next half hour to go to the restroom.

The two couples had spent the whole day yesterday with a 1 on 1 basketball game party at the Nelson-Jackson family house to close the celebration of Prince's husband, Michael Jackson's 62nd birthday week. It was a fun yet amazing family-bonding time with them. Had awesome and memorable moments of losing to the last 1 on 1 basketball game with the Nelson-Jackson husband, Prince and Big Jay witnessing a marriage proposal between his oldest nephew Capprico and his boyfriend Lil Wayne, Lil Wayne proposing to Capprico in the moment infront of Big Jay's nephew's parents as the private family party was just about to come to an end. Zendaya, who was in a group with her family of little now adult cousins and her aunties and uncles, recording the wonderful moment of her brother getting engaged.

Both Michael and Prince were in such happy tears for their oldest son once seeing the scene. Both the older male parents gave their son kiss on his cheek for good luck and many more years of wishes of a long future marriage. Lastly after a wonderful night with Big Jay's family, both he and LeBron had left to their own home to get ready for bed as Big Jay has another charity event for another black college in New York.

Now, here they are in bed in night time morning. LeBron had woken up the first half hour before 3 in the morning to the restroom from earlier. After the soft sound of quick toilet flushing and the soft running of the bathroom sink, LeBron then walked out of the bathroom and flicks off the bathroom light once stepping back in the bedroom.

As he finally settles back under the covers of their bed, the basketball star then flips on the night stand dresser lamp on the right side of their bed just to check if his fiance was still asleep with him with the younger middle aged basketball star tried not to make too much noise in the bathroom earlier. Once feeling the strange limpness from his older fiance's arm and the softness from Mike's chest once laying down his hands on Mike's half wrapped right arm that's splayed and layed across his lower torso to his stomach. After a few moments of LeBron's voice changing from awakened tone to more worried tone of voice as LeBron now, getting even more worried as he tries to wake up his fiance.

LeBron began raising his now worried voice as he shakes Mike's arms and limp body on his left side as he lifts himself up even more to be above his fiance who was supposed to be asleep. But now, LeBron doesn't want to think that d word at this time. His head began to fall in with more worriness as LeBron shakes his fiance again to get some kind of response. The young engaged star didn't. LeBron half a cracked chuckle in his throat over his slight beating heart as he gave Big Jay another quick shake to try and wake his fiance.

Mike still didn't wake up. The now, scared engaged basketball star began to repeat the worried words over his unwakened older fiance with the words of "Babe?! Wake up c'mon! Stop playin with me!" after every once of a quick shake to at least get SOME response from the older man that's still laying there. Mike hasn't sat up or moved any arm or leg or lifted up anything at all.

Now, there were tears threatening to brim in the corner of LeBron's eyes as he was then hovering over his poor unwaking fiance's face with his left hand on top of Mike's left bare chest breast plate. The sounds of LeBron's new tone if voice of fear through his arriving tears of his eyes were raising as he was then shaking slightly rough with his hands still on top of his fiance's bare chest breast plates. The middle-aged basketball star's cries began to rise through their lamp lit bedroom of new scared words;  "Mike! Baby! Pleeeeeassse! Wake up! Don'tchu do this to me too! MIKE!"

Ever since the heartbreaking tears of losing his dear friend Kobe Bryant and his poor daughter last year ago, LeBron NEVER wanted the same thing of losing the real love of his life happen to Mike. But, the middle-aged basketball star felt his heart telling him that it already too late to save Mike from... This that he never knew about in his secret love life, would happen to him infront of his eyes.

LeBron's last scared cries that was only heard, raised through their bedroom as he continues to plead his fiance to wake up. While the poor engaged basketball star still, not getting any responds back from him.


A/N: Criiiii in the comments at me y'all! You know you want to with this too! 😌❤ this was 948 WORDS WRITTEN! THE SHORTEST CHAPPIES EVER IN THIS BOOK I'VE EVER WRITTEN! I AM.. SO PROUD! 😥😥👏👏👏🎉🎉🤗 anyways! I actually wrote this ALL lastnight before 3 AM so i could go to bed at a decent time to quickly update these chapters that had been sitting under my drafts since last weekend ago and here they are! 🙂🎉🎉❣I'll continue on writing more of the pain as I try and get these few timeskips written in the mix with upcoming updates of this story later and soon my loves~! Hope I got y'all crying in the inside of this update guys! Stay tuned in for more of the happy ending finale of this lovely book my loves~!🤗💜❤✨

With love,


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