Ch 13: The King's Last Days prt 2 (last prt)(🍋)(🌸)

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A/N: Oooh, heyyy again my loves! SO! 😃👏 justa short/angsty-feels update with our big guy, Mr. Jordan and his last days spending time with his future hubby LeBron..! Hope y'all will cri in a few feel sentences that might be hidin' in this update~!🤧😘✌ Here's the 2nd part of part 1 tho...! I'm not ready...! 🤧🤧



Date: September 4, 2021
Location: between the Nelson-Jackson family household/the official James-Jordan mansion household
Time: undecided


Michael Jordan's POV:

I'm sick. It's not the 'just a little cold and a headache' kind but 'I'm dying' kind of sick. And, I know that.

The doctor says that I've probably been sick for quite a while, but didn't know it because there aren't really any good doctors that I can trust fully.

The doctor says that I may die soon. Probably until this week.

Of course I'm sad when I got the news that the disease in my lungs had been getting worse in me and effecting the slight migraines in my white parts of my eyes. But, really upsets me even more that one of my greatest legend friends, Michael Jackson, who has his wonderful married life with the lovely Prince, I was forced to tell LeBron before I leave... If I tell him, he won't take it well more than I am right now. So, I've been procrastinating and distracting 'Ronny' (<-- a nickname from Big Jay for LeBron) with just spending my last days with him as the new love of my life.

And I wanted to make this special for not just for the both of us, but for LeBron before I leave this world~.


Some time later


"Fuck." Mike gasped as he moved in to do as LeBron said, just like he did a few days ago. He watched as his god-made ass slip out of the shorts, unbidden by any kind of bra. His nipples poked out of the shirt as he moved the material aside, not covered by jackets like when they filmed the scene. He wasted no time just staring - his hand moved to toy with the left one, fingers sinking into the soft flesh. His mouth followed suit, first placing suckling kisses to the dark, sensitive buds as he groaned, his cock hardening even more. LeBron's gasps and quiet moans filled his ears as he fondled and licked his nipples, marveling at their black skinned beauty and softness. He moved his mouth about LeBron's dark nipple, giving it a long, hard suck as LeBron moaned deep, and loudly, his hand threading through Mike's razor-cut bald hair, pinning him in place as he continued to worship his nipples, squeezing them just right. Mike groaned, feeling his LeBron's cute dark nipple harden under his tongue as he released it with a loud pop and then switched to the second one, biting down lightly.

"Mike! Baby~! Ooohhh, Goooodd...~!" LeBron moaned out as he did that, his teeth now grazing his skin as he sucked hard before breaking contact and placing another, suckling kiss on the flesh.

"Fuck, LeBron baby, your nipples are so fucking amazing~." He spoke, almost completely breathless as he licked his freckled skin. "Jesus, fuck, you're so gorgeous baby~..."

"Mikey...please...~!" LeBron gasped, words failing his as he moved up to place a kiss right in the middle of his older fiance's chest, near his heart. LeBron then felt push his head lower as he tried to squirm out of his shorts. Taking the hint, he moved back as LeBron kicked the shorts away, now lying fully naked in front of him. Mike took a moment to drink in his sexy black god of a wonderful form - LeBron's hot cheeks, his dark nipples hard and swollen, his legs spread open in a silent invitation. Mike could also see a neatly trimmed patch of hair leading straight to his ass, his lips glistening.

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