Ch 12: The King's Last Days prt 1

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A/N: WELCOME BACK AGAIN, MY LOVES~!😃😃🎉🎉 I missed y'all again...~!🤗💖💖 Me irl: 😭😭😭 cuz we almost close to the calm before the storm now, my loves...!🤧🤧😅🤗 My dark mind while writing this: 😃😈🔫 for now cuz there's gonna be some bittersweet time travel angst feels in this update w/ our bby Princey~ here...!



Date: September 3, 2021
Location: at home of the Nelson-Jackson family household
Time: mid afternoon


As two whole months turned to September, close to the season of Fall, which was also approaching. Prince and his daughter Zendaya had made it back home from Zendaya's movie premiere DUNE. Prince was relieved that they'd made it home from a long, hectic end of the month from premiere meet-and-greet while Prince's husband Michael, had went over to visit Big Jay for a private lunch date just to catch up with him and fill in the big guy's company as Big Jay's private fiance LeBron, is still finishing the Lakers basketball season. So, here Prince is, home alone with his daughter Zendaya, who decided to unpack her suitcases back in her room closets. The Papa and daughter had been at Italy for two in a half days to be at Prince's daughter's movie premire to celebrate and meet the cast. Wynter was at his Auntie LaToya's house for his daycare sessions and Capprico was also having a lunch date with his boyfriend of on-and-off in the past, Lil Wayne because Lil Wayne had wanted their date during that afternoon to just be them ONLY as it was special~.

As he finally settles back down under the silk sheets of him and his husband's bedroom bed, He was finally into comfortable house pajama clothes. Prince, with his cell phone and one of his novels held in his right hand, he twists behind while slipping his feet and legs under the sheets of the King sized bed.

Prince wears his comfy, silk cotton, cream and gold-white Chinese inspired house pajamas. His feet free and bare from his stiletto heels that he'd walked around all of his tour with his daughter on a red carpet in the city of Italy. Prince remembers Italy. He still loves visiting Italy, not only just for his and his husband Michael's fans were out there too, but, the city was also labeled as 'The City of Love'. Prince remembers that he'd had a couple of secret dates with his past lover Freddie back in the early mid 70s yet also having heavenly celebratory dates after he'd wedded with his husband Michael as well. Prince's favorite thing was not only the private slow dances they'd shared, but sometimes making fun of his husband Michael whenever he orders one of his favorite dishes; spaghetti with LOTS of sauce, and sneak in to pick out the cut up carrots that they'd mixed in with the sauce when Michael would leave for restroom breaks. It was so hilarious to see his husband's face when he finds the little saucy carrots that weren't there on his empty plate before~. Guessing now Prince wonders where their late youngest son Evelyn... HATED his carrots and peas in pasta. It just ruins the meal and the sauce.

But that memory was worth to see as still treasure though~.

Right after he gets comfortable in his spot of the bed, Prince was then alerted by a notification sound from his phone to his left on the bed's night stand dressers. He quickly closes his book with his top right index finger slightly book marking it so he won't lose his page from his lap on top of the warm cream silk mattress sheets that covers up to his torso. Prince then leans over a little to his left to reach for his phone to check his messages. Most of them were from his husband's texts. Michael had sent him one message telling him he was trying not to publicly worry so much about poor Big Jay's loud coughs had been interrupted the beginning of their conversations during their meal.

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