💜❤Notta chappies sowwy justa A/N! prt1❤💜

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A/N: Hello my darlings~! 😘🤗 SO! 😃👏 the updating in the middle of this week may hold until this weekend or next weekend cuz I've got like 4 chapters for this story under draft and half written! But they haven't been abandoned! NEVER! So yeah! I've been pretty busy with helping my dad's gf get ready for her surgery which is in the next 2 days and trying to get back my paperwork and stuff with my dad so that's been happening since July.... but ANYWAYS!

I'll HOPEFULLY see y'all THIS WEEKEND like I said or NEXT WEEKEND until not as much things aren't such a headache for me and for my fam y'all! TYSM for being patient with me and this 2nd lovely Prichael comeback my loves! I'll update soon! 😘💜❤💕✨

With love,


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