💜❤Notta chappies sowwy justa A/N! PLS READ!❤💜

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A/N: Heyy y'all~! SO!🙂👏 this weekend's updates for this will MAYBE this Sunday cuz I need to update my SamBucky book for my readers over there! Anyways! This'll just be a short pause not too long guys~! But I can't make any promises tho! And sorry-not-sorry if this book has too many A/Ns... this year had been kinda rough with me and everyone too, but! It still was a halfly a good year in the first half of it tho which is the truth...😑 ANYWAYS!

I'll see y'all MAYBE THIS SUNDAY my loves! Stay tuned in!😘🤗💜❤✨

With love,


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