Ch 8: Daddy's Bday prt 2 (last prt) (🍋)

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A/N: YEEESSSSSS!😃 is it true that I'm coming back SLOWLY, to my og schedule? Yes🙂🎉🎉 FINALLY some Mature era Prichael GRANDDAY SMUTTTTT! 😋😋😋🤗💜❤✨ justa liiiiittle bit of it! This part is justa follow up from part 2 so, this smut may end with a happy smut ending BUT... a sneaky evil cliffhangy angst for another update...! sorry-not-sorry y'all!

Enjoy...? pls...~?


Date: August 29, 2021
Location: in between Disneyland/same location from prt 2
Time: late evening, mid 10 PM


It was right after the family had came back home around later 11:30 PM. They had stopped by back at the house around 7 PM for the family party dinner. It was only all Michael's siblings and only two of Prince's half brothers and his sister Tyka were there along with Michael's little cousins too. Wynter was brought back home a happy boy by his aunt LaToya all tired from a playdate with his cousin, Janet's little tiger all day. Michael's mother couldn't come because she was in bedrest. But he did get to have a sweet phone call with her before she'd went to sleep and Michael was happy about that.

Now, here they are, Michael on top and all over of his husband after finding out when they were getting dressed for bed, that Prince was wearing his purple sparkly thongs that he was gifted from his birthday all day without the older man knowing. It was when Prince had stepped out of the bathroom from a short shower and a moment of drying himself. It was like the old guitarist knew that he was teasing his husband for him to see his last outfit for today.

While holding his long gold honey mustard towel behind his lower waist and two peaches covering his thongs, Michael had finally spotted a thin, sparkly strap that's tight around his husband's lower waist that hug in between that line of his right exposed thigh. Michael's cheeks tinted into a tiny red blush once he took a peek and chuckled a smirk as he then quickly pulled Prince back into his arms with a playful hum.

"Where do you think you're going, wearing this on you, Mr. Nelson-Jackson~?" Michael asked, his voice beginning to purr deeply as he slides his right fingers through that thin, tight purple strap of Prince's thongs to pull him up closer to his chest. Prince let's out a tiny gasp yet gives a quick glance at how tight his husband's fingers were holding his thongs.

"I was wondering when you were gonna notice them, Baby~." Prince tries with a small smirk on his lips after looking back up at the older man with a now teasing look.

"Ooh~! You didn't think I noticed these were on the whole day, Sweetheart~? You sneaky little Prince~!" Michael added playfully while fiddling with the right side of his husband's purple thong strap as the two giggled while Prince his the bottom of his lips.

"Well..! Now that I've been exposed," Prince started again as he now leans in more up on his husband's heavy chest up to Michael's right ear to whisper lustfully, "Why don't the birthday man take me to bed tonight, now...~?" Prince teased in his voice as Michael bites the inside of his left cheek to keep from smiling and groaned, picking up his husband by wrapping his legs around his waist with his strong arms as he deeply purrs out, "Since you've asked so nicely for Daddy~." Michael then earned a playful giggle as they now engaged into a lustful heated kiss, not too wet but enough for the older musicians to get aroused as both their cocks began hardening against each other, letting out tiny moans through their kissing after Prince had only moved his hips up as Michael holds his legs around his waist back to they're bed in their intimate bedroom.

(DISCONTINUED)Future Us Prichael Vol. 2|Mature PrichaelWhere stories live. Discover now