Surprise Epilogue: prt 3 (last prt) (🎉🎉🌸)

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A/N: aaaannnd here is part 3 y'all! I've decided to update this 1 early today too~!🙂💜❤ We finally at the Dwayne's birth! 🤗❣ justa lil WARNING! MILD GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF BIRTH SCENES AHEAD! READ WITH CAUTION!



Date: same date from prts 1 and 2
Location: same location from prts 1 and 2
Time: early morning, 5:35 AM


The labouring WWE star actor had been in the warm blankets of the hospital bed for a couple of hours now after his husband John, has been spending the early part of the afternoon alternately rocking on his birthing ball or making little circuits round the room, supported by his pregnant husband.

“That’s it papa, you’re doing well, just keep breathing through it, I know you want to push but just try to resist a little longer…”

The voice of the labour nurse was calm and melodious, and in John’s opinion, entirely at odds with his rather gruff appearance. Regardless of how intimidating John found him, but the Nelson-Jackson married legends, Prince and Michael, adored the two WWE married couples and had been thrilled when they had been able to secure Dwayne's services for their baby girl's birth.

Dwayne felt the tension leave him as the contraction passed, his head lolling back to fall against his husband John’s chest where he sat behind him. John had ducked down to place a gentle kiss on his husband’s half clammy cheek.

“I’m so proud of you baby~. You’re doing brilliantly.” John praises Dwayne in a comforting tone.

Dwayne's mother had reached over to take her son’s hand from where she knelt beside the left side of the hospital bed, rubbing soothing across his knuckles with her thumb.

“We’re all so proud of you, my darling boy. I know you’re getting tired now but…”

She looked to the nurse for confirmation. The female auburn brunette nurse nodded encouragingly.

“…but you’re nearly there. Just think…only a little longer and you’ll be able to hold your princess in your arms. Let’s get you a little sip of juice will we? John sweetheart?”

John scurried over with a jug of chilled juice, topping everyone up, then joined one of the Nelson-Jackson married couple on the couch once he'd returned it to the refrigerator. Trying to give his husband some space to breathe after the much worry about the pain that Dwayne had been feeling ever since his labor had started.

“You ok there big Daddy~?” Prince asks with a small smile on his face as the old married Nelson-Jackson looks up the retired WWE superstar and the old guitarist both took a seat on a waiting bench couch near the patient's room window under the window seal. Prince had took the second time in under watch and extra nursing assistance (as Prince was listed as a caring "mother" with a 10 month old son in hand himself and with Michael) while his husband Michael is taking care of a work phone call and hanging out with the three married families kids and older kids with his older siblings which Janet and LaToya had driven over here for adult supervision, outside of the patients waiting room.

“Is it always like this?” John asks the older parent with his elbows propped up on his knee caps and both his hands folded together as he looked up and over to the old married guitarist.

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