Ch 6: The QUEEN Reunites w/ Prince (Special) (last prt) (prt 2) (👑💜💛)

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A/N: Hii again my loves~! I kinda missed y'all!😘💕 So here's part 2 from part 1 of this story-part guys! 😘💕🤗❤💜and it's almost October! Yo gurl's FAV time of the yr! Fall/Winter! (Cuz her bday is in November~!)😃🎉🎉🍂🍃🍁🤗 and so sorry-not-sorry if I left y'all hangin with this part...!😓😶 I've had a rough month ago cuz workin on 3 other books in different times in one week, migraines and depressing death/birthday anniversaries + fires over here in Cali too was a mess...🤧😅 but ANYWAYS!😃👏 I guess you could say ima lil bit better...?🤔😐 Idk, I just recently came off my cycle so I've been actin pretty shitty lately and barely getting any sleep cuz of dis yrs weird time😧😑 but now that I'm halfway rested! I am semi-what back to writing and updating a lil bit for y'all my sweet patient darlings~!😘💕✌ here's prt 2 of this lovely reunion!🤗❤💜✨




Date: June 20, 2021
Location: Between the Nelson-Jackson family household/Downtown Los Angeles Airport
Time: Early morning, 6:30 AM


It's 6:30 AM in the morning this Saturday and Prince was awake with his husband Michael. Prince had also told his son Capprico who was also awake too, to help him load up his car with his travel luggage in the back. There was only two luggages of Prince's suit cases that needed to be carried with ease. Prince's flight leaves to London in the next hour. He still has time to get ready. Prince spent the next twenty minutes putting Wynter back to sleep after rechanging his diaper.

His husband Michael had told him that he'll take care of their son when he wakes up to start the day again as he'd reassured Prince. Once Prince was in his pair of dark royal blue inch high heels and a matching, soft clothed, royal blue long sleeved shirt and long pants, a black feathery vest jacket as his outfit for his visit with Freddie, he was ready to go. Prince didn't wear as much makeup, but just comfort casual makeup with his signature black winged eyeliner and mascara around his eyes. Gleaming concealer that makes his aftershaved face glow, and his perfect, thin pencil sketched eyebrows neatly done with pencil eyeliner since from his birthday celebration. Prince also wears one of his small fedora hats on his head and a couple of his necklaces and bracelets and jewelry. His and Michael's late son's and his mother's silver pendants of their ashes were always on his neck. His dark brown, almost jet black like his husband's dark hair; in his usual short-cut two bangs in his face but slightly pushed back out of his eyes to see. On Prince's right pinkie, wears a small silver crown pinkie mood ring that was gifted from Freddie one lifetime ago during their relationship. This mood ring still shows it's mood colors ever since it was given to Prince back in '76. The old gold bronze band of the small ring turned into dusty brown pinkish of the inside from aging but it still fits Prince's pinkie well.

As he quickly double looked over himself in the bedroom's large dresser mirror, Prince grabbed his black Gucci sunglasses from his sunglasses collection drawer from over the years in his closet. He'd also reached for his royal blue matching snake-skin covered hand purse that has his cell phone and wallet inside and his mask. He quickly looked around in the bedroom for his white cipher cane and remembered that he'd put it behind the Chinese brown, white and Sakura pink dressing divider. Prince had heard foot steps from the bottom of the stairs and his husband's voice calling up to him.

"Honey, you ready to go? The airport just called in saying they're ready for you too." Michael announced to him in his soft, raised voice from downstairs. "Yep, I'm comin', Baby." Prince answered back as he slips his cane in between his right armpit and met the staircase to his husband.

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