Ch 15: The Text & The attempted Crash...

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A/N: 🙃🖤🔫 I've decided to update this one early today too! Here we are at chapter 15! 🙂❤ short story Summary: Michael wakes up early with his husband to start the day with finishing putting together his BAD 25 album party for next week until he gets a familiar message from a certain someone who had his heart unsettling when read... The news gets worse...



Date: September 6, 2021
Location: back at home of the Nelson-Jackson family household
Time: 6:30 AM in the morning


Michael's 6:30 AM cell phone alarm had went off in their bedroom. Making Prince move, slowly, out from under his pillows and his husband's strong, warm arms. Prince had let out a muffled whine and a huff as he felt Michael lift up his right splayed out arm from his lower back waist on top of the thick blankets of the bed. Michael then reaches for his phone to quickly snooze it that layed on a flat wireless Alexa charger that's connected to the left lamp dresser stand.

The two had too much partying and intimate nights last weekend ago from celebrating Michael's birthday. They thought they had an amazing time together last week after Michael's birthday party. Prince hadn't felt that much fun since he written his '80s song Let's Go Crazy.

Michael, feeling satisfyingly ravished with so many gifts from his superfans around the world and a few for Prince too. He also felt fullfilled lavishing up his husband that weekend. Michael wishes to do more curfews again soon~.

But, now today is also a special, certain album's birthday. It was Michael's BAD 25 album release anniversary day. Both the couple also wanted to celebrate once more with a big concert at the Minnesota Vikings stadium which is soon next weekend. Prince had already brought out his ticket master team to spread the word out to his hometown.

That news has also had Prince excited ever since his birthday month came around. Of course, you should be excited to travel back home to see your old hometown city where you were born and raised in after years of being away due to being wedded by the love of your life.

Prince had oh-so-dearly missed his birth place. He missed the energy and the seasons of the state and the crazy fans that still lived there ever since he's grew up there. So, his husband Michael, which had a great idea to do his album birthday concert there so that his husband can reunite with his birth home.

Michael also knew how much his husband was home sick after moving in with him when they'd wedded. He gave his last but not least gift to his beloved that he's wanting to plan on doing this special concert at Minneapolis before going back to work. Michael also kinda missed the state because where a couple of their third dates were held there. Michael had remembered silently with a little smile on his lips as he starts to wake up from his spot in the bed, that Prince was the host of their third dates because he obviously, knew his way around his hometown by heart. He still does, he's just a little bit rusty now with his age today. But, after a couple of small Nelson-Jackson family trips to the state with the two oldest kids when they were still in college, both Zendaya and Capprico were the helping hand GPS too if ever when they revisit Minneapolis.

Michael finally lifts himself up from the bed. He leans over to his right side to steal morning kisses on Prince's forehead as he lifted up the pillow off his husband's head that covered him. Prince hums and shifts around under the warm blankets and then flips over to face Michael. He still didn't want to get up so he scooted closer to Michael's right side of the bed, adorablely asking for more morning sweet kisses from his husband. Michael comfortably gives them to him.

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